𝔵𝔳𝔦𝔦𝔦 ── Take On Me

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take on me
☆ ⊹ ࣪.⋆༘˚⋆𐙚。⋆𖦹.✧˚

   The sky is bright by the time Valeria finally caught up with her consciousness and the sudden coldness had shocked her. Her vision was blearily, everything roaming around felt like dots as she groaned softly in pain at the ear splitting headache that drummed through her head, and she touched the ground for stability. The last thing she remembered was the cold wind whipping around her before her sudden crash to the snowy floor and the muffled conversation of men who surrounded her. Her calloused hands searched the floor, but her palms were met with cold tiles, and she slowly sat up because of the painfulness within her head. It throbbed like a white hot pain. This room was unfamiliar to her, but the bars weren't.

   Valeria slowly crawled towards the bars even though her vision had her seeing doubles and she gripped them for stability, her breathing was heavy as she tried to remember what happened. Her gaze wandered from each wooden wall. It hurt to breathe as if she had sand filled within her lungs and she was breathing sand in. She gave up, her body collapsing on the ground because the pain within her head was too much, and she clung onto her stomach which growled loudly.

   She managed to crack one weary eye open at hearing a door open nearby and she saw a man enter which caused her eyebrows to furrow in worry. Where was Ellie and Joel? What if these hunters got to them? Uneasily, Valeria watched the man who carried a tray with something on it and her eyebrows were raised in confusion as he leaned down, sliding the plate towards her.

The porcelain plate collided against the metal bars of the cell and she saw the mysterious brown meat gathered atop of the porcelain plate that had a bird painted underneath. Valeria blinked as her vision finally became one and she looked up at the man. He was creepy with carrot colored hair that was balding at the top and his skin was gaunt, pale yet clammy. He had a weird smile too. "Eat. It's venison."

   Her stomach growled despite her initial suspicions, but Valeria didn't care as she immediately dug in, her nails clawing against the plate as she shoved the venison into her mouth and she didn't wait to chew until she shoved the empty plate away. It collided against the man's boots and he grimaced slightly. "My name's David. I already know who you are. You're that Firefly who organized all those attacks on the quarantine zones." said the man, crouching down to meet Valeria's angry gaze. "Now, tell me, who have you been traveling with? You can't possibly be by yourself."

   No answer. "My group can protect you. Feed you, clothe you. All I ask is for one..two things." Again, no answer and David sighed. "My men have reported to me that there is a group that have been killing my people. All of them were good men. The fact is, they were traveling with a little girl. Know anything about that?"

   Valeria furrowed her eyebrows in anger and she coughed, signaling David closer to the cell bars. When he did, she hacked and she mustered up all the spit in her mouth. The white saliva formed into a ball and splattered against David's eyes, much to calming surprise. "Go fuck yourself." hissed Valera, her teeth were gritted together and her split lips were curled back into a snarl.

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