Lines Of Fate (Adeline)

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Eighteen Years Later

Water splashed in the bathtub as soon as those little paws of the four-legged mammal touched the lukewarm surface. The cat hissed at his owner who was holding him firmly. Adeline watched this little greyish-white-furred mini-lion struggle in her hold but she refused to leave.

"Smokey, behave," She chided him when he hissed again. It had been a whole month since he last took a bath and her friend was coming for a sleepover. She wasn't fond of cats—and the unclean ones, well that was another drama.

The little man stared at her with a grumpy face and finally gave in to the torture. She settled him on his back inside the mini bathtub and started ruffling his furs. He quietly kept staring at her with cold eyes. Adeline knew he felt like biting her and couldn't help but chuckle under her breath. She rubbed shampoo on his body, rinsed, cleaned his face and ears and wrapped him in his blue towel at last. She soaked the water by rubbing towel before doing the rest with a hairdryer.

Just as she tapped off the dryer, he stretched and gave her a death glare again. She smiled and pinched his chin with her fingers. When she forwarded her face to poke her nose with his tiny one, he jumped off the sink and trotted to the closed door. "My little grumpy man," She grinned, seeing his silent tantrums and strode to open the door for him. He rushed out and pounced on her bed. As if she polluted him with this cocoa scent, he began licking his paws to re-clean himself. She went to the nightstand and grabbed the treat she put for him.

"You were better this time, threw fewer tantrums, I think I'm gonna reward you with tuna," She told him and sat on the bed.

Tearing the lid, she pressed and a creamy paste oozed out of the lid and extended to his range. "That's your favourite," Once it was under his nose, he stopped licking and stared at her again. Without sparing a glance at his favourite snack, he jumped off the bed and went to his own.

Adeline scoffed and laughed louder. "That's some serious look you just gave me, mister," She chuckled and he snuggled like a ball and pretended to sleep. This tiny creature had a world of his own and she couldn't stop loving him for that. No matter what he would do, she would always love him like her first child.

Suddenly, a knock on the door flinched her. "Yes?" The door opened and revealed a woman in her mid-forties. Adeline's eyes widened and a surprising scoff betrayed her lips.

"Mrs. Ortega, you are back," Adeline's feet began rushing to her on their own. Quickly, she secured the woman in her arms and squeezed the life out of her shoulders.

"Oh, I missed you so much," She grumbled against her shoulder blade.

"That's why I brought your favourite blueberry muffins," Adeline pulled her face back and felt the woman's right hand lifting in between them. A scoff left her mouth and she threw her arms back, not caring the paper-bag nearly crushed between them.

"Oooh! You are the best. I have been craving them so much lately," Adeline tweeted. Irene let her hug with all excitement. Even when she had tears burning the back of her eyes, she had a big smile on her face.

"Your fairy godmother knows everything so she brought two packs this time," Irene shrugged and gave her the bag. Adeline glanced down at the bag and like a whirlwind a wave of sadness clouded her features. Her heart became heavy thinking why did she do this.

It was their last year together. Life was going to change upside down in a few months. As much as she waited for this time. But now, it was asking her too much and leaving her family behind was the one big thing. A cruel big condition.

Irene sensed the change in air. She stepped closer, placed her hand on her cheek and lightly caressed it. Tears were brimming in Adeline's eyes but she held it back like her godmother. When Adeline parted her mouth to speak her heart, Irene cut her short.

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