J-hope - It's one of those days

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"Hobi?" You slowly opened the bedroom door, concerned why your boyfriend hadn't yet woken up and come downstairs.

You had only been up for an hour or so but it was 9am now, and your boyfriend was usually up way earlier as a part of his very strict routine he kept.

But today he obviously was not in the mood, because when you stepped in the room, you saw Hoseok lying face up, staring at the ceiling.

You sighed, so it was one of those days then. Hobi was happy all the time, that was his persona, but sometimes, he was just quiet.

They sometimes wasn't even a reason, he just felt like a quiet and simple day, not wanting to do anything or face up to any of the usual standards he was held to.

You knew he wouldn't want to do much besides lie in bed, but you also knew he would want to maintain some kind of routine, even in his current state of mind.

He would still want to do his skincare, eat a decent meal, and have his shower in the evening as he normally did.

You decided today would be a takeaway and gaming on the bed kind of day, something to help take his mind off whatever was bothering him.

"Hobi-ah? It's time to get up, you should eat something..." you mumbled, sitting down next to him and stroking his hair.

He reached a hand to loosely hold your thigh, so you knew he was aware of your presence, but he didn't say anything.

You decided to lay next to him for a while, giving him some much needed cuddles and comfort so he could at least know you were there for him.

You lay your head on his chest and snuggled up to him, wrapping your arms around him and squeezing to ground him.

You both lay like that for a while, and eventually, your boyfriend wrapped his arms around you, burying his face in your hair and just experiencing holding you.

"I love you..." he mumbled, kissing your forehead and smiling softly at you. It made him feel better just looking at you, knowing that you were there for him through anything and everything really comforted him.

"I thought we could order in baby, maybe some pizza?" You mumbled, stroking his hair just how he likes.

He sighed, smiling a little at the touch, which made you smile as well, before he replied, "Pizza is good, and ice cream?" He looked up at you hopefully.

You chuckled, pressing a kiss to his nose and patting his chest affectionately, "yes, and ice cream..." you mumbled, happy that he seemed slightly more cheerful.

You got off the bed, dragging Hoseok up with you and gently pushing him towards the bathroom, he shuffled his way in and just stood there staring as you whirled around the room gathering supplies.

You edged past him to place some fresh clothes down on the toilet seat, just some cozy sweatpants and a hoodie, and fuzzy socks of course.

You then placed a face mask, and some skincare products on the counter, so he could take care of his skin and keep his routine.

Hoseok was very consistent when it came to his skincare routine, and you knew he would hate to skip it, as much as he didn't feel like doing it.

You then turned to your boyfriend, who smiled at you as you wrapped your arms around his waist in a hug.

"You have a nice hot shower, then you can get changed into comfy clothes and take care of your beautiful face, I'll bring the pizza up here, it feels like a bed kind of day..." you mumbled, squeezing him in a hug momentarily, before running out of the room and downstairs to order the pizza.

Your boyfriend, shaking his head with a chuckle, closed the bathroom door and began his self-care.

He did indeed have a hot shower, almost as hot as you could have it without looking like a shaved, heat-damaged rat.

He then put his face mask on, before cozying into his fresh Balenciaga underwear and sweatpants.

After waiting a while and checking some messages and emails on his phone, he took the face mask off, washing his face and applying the other serums and creams that were waiting for him.

The final step was his big oversized hoodie, he snuggled into it, breathing in the fresh smell of the fabric softener.

Feeling refreshed, your boyfriend came out of the bathroom to see you walking in the door with 2 boxes of pizza AND fried chicken, drinks, and ice cream for dessert.

You grinned at him, and he grinned back as he jumped onto the bed, you following him close behind as you gently laid the food out in front of you.

The TV was turned on, and a cozy documentary was put on while you both ate.

After you cleared all the food away, you and Hobi finally cuddled up together.

He pulled you onto his laps, making you giggle and blush as he kissed both your cheeks before pressing his soft lips onto yours.

You giggled and he had to pull away, laughing at the fact that YOU were laughing mid-kiss.

"Why are you laughing? Am I funny?" He said through his giggles, you shook your head, wrapping your arms around his neck and looking into his eyes.

"I just love you..." you said, and your boyfriend smiled his biggest smile, as he leaned in closer, "I love you too..."

You kissed again, and this time you managed to keep your composure and continue the beautiful activity that is kissing Jung Hoseok, you couldn't believe how lucky you were to have him.

You told him as much every day, and he always got embarrassed and told you to be quiet, not that you ever would.

Hobi is the sun, he's the light of your life, and when he finally comes home in October, my god, the world will finally begin to heal.

A/N: Sorry it's been a while! I'm trying desperately to get some kind of job, as well as having been waiting for my results, which if you didn't see, I PASSED! I got my Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Geography (With Honours) so I'm extremely proud of myself and very happy. I know this story doesn't have a lot of conversation it, but the point for me is you can imagine yourself in the scenario and sort of make up your own conversation of what you want to say to our Hobi ^^

The next imagine will be a Jikook ship imagine based on their travel show 'Are you Sure?' On Disney+, which if you haven't seen, it is super cute, someone requested it to me on my instagram, which is where you can find me and message me if you would like to request anything, or if you'd like some advice, or just a chat! I know I don't ever do ship imagines but I thought it would be cute and a nice variant for once, also I can never turn down a request cuz I feel bad.

I'm good at advance and letting people rant so if you need someone to talk to please don't be afraid to reach out! I'm happy to help, I've been through a lot of Depression and sh myself so I get it u know?

Anyway, thanks for reading, don't forget to FOLLOW ME and check out my other books if you like this one! This is just book 2 of a whole other book that is 200 chapters of soft fluffy BTS x Reader imagines!

If you would like to find me on instagram, my username is xhoseokke, same as here with the same profile picture so there's no confusion, I hope to hear from you!

Backup account here on Wattpad: hoseokkphile

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