💙Happily Married|Todoroki

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Written on-06/09/2024~06/11/2024|Number of words- 1012

Highschool reunions. Most people would hate them, but  Y/n was excited. Although he was in the general studies department of UA, he became close to the Hero students after his best friend Hitoshi Shinso got with Denki Kamianri. Y/n became close with the Deku squad fast, clicking with Midoriya the most. After said greenette told him he was originally quirkless they got even closer. Y/n wanted so desperately to be a hero until he was named quirkless. At just five years old his dreams were crushed. Luckily his family had money, so he was homeschooled for most of his school years. That is until high school. With no one knowing him, he was safe to make friends always avoiding the topic of his quirk. Some thought it was because his quirk was dangerous, some thought it was weak, and others thought he was quirkless. Only a select few people knew the truth. one of them being Shoto Todoroki. Y/n became close to the split-dyed-haired boy one day when Y/n found him sitting alone reading a book they loved. The two clicked faster than Y/n thought possible.

Once graduated Y/n and Shoto got an apartment together. The two soon started dating and eventually, Shoto proposed. Being fresh out of high school and Shooto not wanting to rely on his family The two males decided to have a wonderful, quiet, personal, ceremony. The only people there were Y/n's grandmother who raised him, Shoto's siblings Fuyumi and Natsuo, along with each boy's best friend, Izuku Midoriya and Hitoshi Shinso. Now Y/n  stood in front of the gym doors staring at them. No one inside knew he was here, let alone married. Y/n takes a deep breath before opening the doors and looking around for someone he might know. He spots a head of pink hair and smiles. Although they weren't close at first Y/n and the Bakusquad got close when Izuku and Bakugo got together at graduation.

"Mina," Y/n says taping the girl's shoulder. She turns and gasps.

"Y/n! When did you get back to Japan? How long are you staying for?" Mina asks with a smile.

"I got back today, I'm also not planning on leaving again anytime soon so I'm here for a long while. We should all meet up and have lunch," Y/n says with a smile.

"We really should," Mina says.

"Oh, Kiri should be around here along with Katsuki and Izuku, Let's look for them, they'll be ecstatic to see you again," Mina says with a smile.

"Okay, let's go find them," Y/n says with a smile. Mina nods as they walk around the room looking for any sign of green or red hair.

"There they are!" Mina squeals excitedly before grabbing Y/n's arm and pulling him to the group.

"Hey guys what are we talking about?" Y/n asks.

"The fact Icy Hot isn't coming..." Bakugo says rolling his eyes.

"Wait, why?" Y/n asks.

"Something about his plus one not making it," Kamianri says glancing at Y/n. He turns away to look again.

"Wait, Y/n, When did you get here?" Kaminari asks gaining everyone's attention. They all cheer and smile happily.

"Wait, can I message Shoto that you are here?" Midoriya asks.

"Just tell him you have a surprise and it's important that he comes to the reunion to get it," Y/n replies. The male nods and goes straight to his phone. Y/n talks to the others until he feels a tap on his shoulder. He looks behind him and sees his best friend.

"Hito, Hi! How are you doing?" Y/n asks.

"I'm doing good, when did you get back?" Shinso asks.

"Today," Y/n says and Shinso looks at him shocked.

"Wow, and you still came?" He asks.

"It's why I was able to leave early, to be honest," Y/n laughs.

"Ah, that makes sense," Shinso says. Midoriya walks over and smiles.

"He's on his way," Midoriya says.

"Oh good," Y/n says with a smile.

"Shoto?" Shinsoo asks and Y/n nods.

"Yeah, he wasn't going to come but I told Izu to tell him they have a surprise for him," Y/n replies.

"Does he not know you are back?" Shinso asks.

"The house was empty when I got home and then  I came straight here after getting ready so no he doesn't," Y/n explains.

After a while Y/n was by the drinks when he heard people cheer. He looks over and sees his husband and their friends all talking. He makes his way over to them making sure to approach from behind Todoroki.

"So where is this surprise you have?" Todoroki asks.

"Look behind you," Y/n says with a smile on his face. Shoto's face contorts into confusion before he turns and a look of surprise replaces it.

"Hi," Y/n says with a smile.

"Oh my god!" Todoroki says before hugging Y/n tightly. Y/n laughs and hugs back fast. He was breathing in his husband's scent.

"I missed you," Y/n whispers into Todoroki's ear.

"Not as much as I missed you," Todoroki says. Y/n laughs and pulls away slightly looking Todoroki in the eyes. They look at one another as if they are talking to one another with their eyes. Todoroki smiles and sighs.

"Fuck it," Todoroki says before kissing Y/n. Y/n smiles into the kiss, kissing back just as sweetly.

"Holy shit! Since when?" Kirishima asks. Y/n laughs as the two pull away.

"We started to date a year after UA and got married about two years after that," Y/n says with a smile.

"Wait, married?" Mina asks shocked.

" Well, yeah, we don't wear these rings for nothing," Y/n says showing his hand.

"How did I never notice that?" Tsu asks shocked. Y/n laughs but shrugs.

"I love you, so much," Todoroki says making Y/n laugh.

"I love you too," Y/n says with a smile.

-Sorry it's so short... I'm trying but writer's block...-

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