Final chapter

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Plawan sat happily watching his basil stir-fried restaurant.

No matter who called him stupid, he would not be angry. He had already said that his life was its own story, and no one cared about heroes who were too smart. That's why their life is so boring. Look at JJ, he's smart and resourceful, and he's always number one. So? In the end, he still ended up with Khun Methas as her boyfriend. It's boring and predictable.

His love life is the most exciting thing in his life.

It was more thrilling than a roller coaster without a safety lock. He almost capsized and died several times, but in the end he survived. There must be some kind of karma that made him fall in love with someone like Aob Uea. He is crazy and unpredictable. There were a lot of normal people out there, but he didn't fall for them. He fell in love with a man who was sick every three or four days.

The drama between the two holy basil stir-fry restaurants ended peacefully.

After sacrificing his body as an offering, this is JJ's bullying opportunity. He and chef agreed to be a couple, right in the kitchen, after a steamy NC scene. When Kluea and JJ asked about their agreement to become a couple, he only gave evasive answers. Who would have thought that they would agree to become a couple after sleeping together? How shameless!

Plawan and chef Aob decided to combine their restaurants into one.

This Restaurant Doesn't Have Yardlong Beans, and the Original Stir-Fried Basil Restaurant, so they are combined into 'Original Stir-Fried Basil without Yardlong Beans'. It's like mocking yourself by saying you have a fake item, but who is fake? It's all just sarcasm.

If this were a romance novel, perhaps this would be the ending.

Because in this story, he is the protagonist, and the protagonist falls in love with another protagonist. What's more about the storyline? Oh, there is no male lead in this story. There are only two male leads. Then there is Kluea, a supporting character who is unlucky in love and doesn't have a partner. I told him to try dating apps a few times, but he didn't want to. Maybe I should create a fake account for him and find him a girlfriend.

But real life doesn't end here.

There is still much chaos and destruction to come. New basil stir-fry restaurants are nearly exploding every day. That's because they were stubborn when they first started. Aob Uea, the perpetrator, deliberately opened a restaurant to stir up people. But does he really think about it like a businessman? JJ had scolded him so much he didn't know what else to say.

Chef Aob's profit margin is very thin.

He uses the best ingredients and sells them at street food prices, not to mention his own reputation. If he worked in a nice restaurant or hotel, he could easily earn a six-figure salary. But instead, he chooses to stir-fry hundreds of pots of basil every day. He makes a profit of several tens of thousands of baht every month, and that doesn't even cover his own salary.

In the end, Methas came to help with things. He founded the company and Plawan and Aob Uea split the shares 50/50. Kluea is still a chef in a restaurant, frying himself until he is exhausted. Plawan, who used to be a reserve chef, no longer needs to work and became a full-time manager. He sits in the restaurant watching the money and is a happy-go-lucky boss.

And JJ has flown his own path.

A year after his treatment ended beloved billionaire superstar Methas got down on one knee and proposed for JJ to be his boyfriend. It was so cheesy that it made him  gag.
Methas pretended to close the movie theater, but it was actually a surprising proposal. It's sickening to think about it. If that was just a dating proposal, does that mean they'll be celebrating their anniversary on Venus?

THIS LOVE DOESN'T HAVE LONG BEANS(ENG) Where stories live. Discover now