Part 1 - Chapter 13- A Sad Discovery And A Beaver.

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It was hours before a terrified but brave Sophie decided it was silent and safe to exit her hiding space.

The cave had fallen quiet a while ago as the wolves left, leaving behind a scene of destruction. Not too different from the many horrible scenes of destruction and death  found on the streets of England's capital each morning, of which Sophie had grown numb. Furniture had been broken and flung around, wood splinters were littering the floor, black ash from the fire lay sprewn everywhere.

Sophie was too busy examining the site on which her friend used to live, to notice the honey brown coloured creature that stood before her. Sophie was staring it down at the same time the creature was looking  her up and down with a confusing look.

The creature consisted of a stout body and a large head with a hand like front feet. The defining feature of the creature was webbed back feet and a flat scaly tail.

Sophie could reconise the creature as a beaver. A fact that Sophie had learned in a textbook on animals that she had burowed from one of her brothers a while ago. She had never seen a beaver in real life, then again, the only wildlife in London city streets were the rats.

"Who are you? What are you doing here? Where is Mr Tumnus?" The beaver asked.

"I'm Sophie, I was a friend of Mr Tumnus and have done nothing to him." Came the reply from the girl.

" Well, where's Mr Tumnus then?" The creature repeated.

"I don't know, all I know is that he was taken somewhere by wolves." Sophie cautiously answered.

The beaver sighed. "The white witch has got him then. She goes after everyone who offends her. It is a normal thing for creatures to suddenly go missing. I didn't think it would be Mr Tumnus. Don't know that he stands with the witch, but he knows that in order to survive around here, you have to be careful."

The beaver paused before continuing, "Not sure what creature you are probably some beardless dwarf. I only hope you don't betray me to the witc... I mean the queen."

" I am no dwarf. I am a girl, and my name is Sophie," voiced the namesake angrily.

"You're a girl, a human, a daughter of eve! How did you get into narnia, and how did you know Tumnus?" A now excited beaver inquired.

"Well, my mum's name is not Eve, but Mr Tumnus has called me a daughter of this Eve before. I came through a wardrobe and found myself here. My older sister and I had tea and made friends with Mr Tumnus. I came back to see him again, but he hid me whilst he was taken by wolves." Sophie Elobarated.

"Sister? How many more of you are there?" quizzed the beaver.

"Four. There are five of us in total. I'm the youngest, then there is my older sister, then brother, then my oldest sister and brother," responded Sophie.

"Five in total, prephaps... but where are my maners? My name is Mr Beaver. Mr Tumnus was a dear friend of mine. It is not safe and far too cold and dark for you to stay here, come back with me to my dam, you can meet Mrs beaver and have some food before you return," declared the now named Mr Beaver.

"I need to save Mr Tumnus. He is my friend, and I fear it may have been me that got him into trouble," Sophie fretted.

"I know you want to help Mr Tumnus but there's not much you can do alone. It is not safe. You can not get into the White witch's castle without being killed. The best way to help our dear friend is to go and see Aslan. There is news that Aslan is on the move. Yes we will go to him for help. But we will need food and sleep inside us before we start the journey." Mr Beaver decided.

"Agreed," sighed Sophie.

With this both left the destroyed cave and left towards the beavers dam. After about 5 minuets they heard a noise behind them. Mr beaver told Sophie to hid behind the snow covered bank while he went to investigate.

Shortly afterwards Sophie could hear the recognisable voices of her older siblings. A determined Lucy, an reluctant Peter and mumbing in annoyance, a Edmund and a Susan bringing up the rear. 


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16 ⏰

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