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I hastened my step and stopped in front of the door. I hate entering a place when it was already crowded or the main purpose has begun.
The restaurant offered a one-week waitressing training to educate us more about our job.
How to please customers.
Not reacting to insults.
Basic waitressing skills.
The door wasn't locked and I could hear the instructor's voice. I came late for the last session today because my car fucked me up. It didn't start so I had to rush to the bus stop unable to order any Uber.
I took deep breaths before taking the first step into the room.
Everyone turned to the clanking sound of my heels making me regret wearing that today of all days.
I bowed politely to the instructor which was met with a stern look. I looked down as I made my way to the empty seat at the back. The whole seat on the column was vacant. We were asked to take notes because the supervisors back at the restaurant are going to interview us again.
I took out a note and listened to what the instructor was explaining.
I shook my head as I watched Seb enter the room. The woman actually smiled at him which he mimicked. He scanned the room and stopped as our eyes met. He made his way over to me and stopped just right in front of me. He pointed to the seat beside me and I moved so he could go sit there.
"Good morning, how was your night?"he asked and I gave a thumbs up.
He brought his phone and stared hard at it. His cologne was intoxicating and filled my nostrils. I turned to the front and jotted down the key points of the lesson.
He looked up once in a while to check my note. "Do you have a photographic memory?"he looked up and shook his head at my question.
"Why had you ask?"
"You keep glancing at my note like you can picture it in your head by one glance"
"I took this lesson last year and all this is nothing new. It's all we know"I nodded at his answer.
"I know this but I have still gotta jot down"
"Suit yourself!"he smiled and got back on his phone. The lesson is really boring and I made sure to cover my mouth with my hand anytime I yawn.
I wanted to glance at his phone to see what he was doing without letting him know about it.
I was just curious... that's all. The only reason why I am interested in knowing what he was doing.
"This is actually the time when you are meant to be jotting down"he said and I blinked few times before making sense of  his words.
"She just keeps going out of line. Bringing different things together. Things not even related to this job" I grumbled and played with my pen.
"Have you learnt anything at all?"he asked putting his phone on the table and I nodded.
I took out my phone and saw a lot of unread message from the group.
They were sending different memes, stickers with the woman's face. People kept insulting her on the group making me giggle in my head.
I finally understand the need for a group chat. "People are mean. When did they take this pictures?" I whispered to him and he shrugged while chuckling.
"Where are you going after this?"he asked. We had a free time after this five hour training daily.
Another batch of waiters and waitresses are going to have theirs next week..
"Home" I replied and his eyes flickered with an emotion I couldn't decipher.
He nodded and I looked straight ahead trying to understand the woman.
I noticed him staring at me several times without saying anything. It was really weird but I continued jotting.
"Let's try this new restaurant everyone is buzzing about"he said immediately the instructor went out of the class.
"Is this your way of asking me out on a date?"I teased and he sighed.
"Yes. Will you try it out with me?"he asked and I smirked.
"No"he looked crestfallen at my answer.
"Why will I ever say no to free food?"he frowned at me while shaking his head.
"You just want to go out with me because I am buying food for you"he said.
"I wouldn't go out with just anyone because of food. I want to go with you because you are a friend and cool to talk to"I explained and he smiled at my answer. "You are also a cool person. It's really easy to talk to you"he said as we made our way out of the hall.
We walked out of the hotel the lecture took place. "How far is the restaurant from here?" I asked tilting my head to stare at his face.
Stupid heights?!
"Just fifteen minutes. Should we walk there or board a taxi?"
"Let's walk to the place"he seemed please with my answer.
"Do you like this job?"he asked and I took my sweet time before answering him.
"I like it a bit but really hate it when I have rude customers. I don't like feeling beneath people and definitely don't like taking shit from people. Unable to react to the comments makes me feel less of myself knowing I could do nothing to stop it all" I blurted out and was amazed he was able to get all that out from me.

"I feel like that too. I don't know why people like ridiculing waiters, shop attendant and other manual job workers. Doing this job doesn't make us below them. I don't know how people feel good about themselves after belittling a fellow human. The rich and slaves are all born the same way. It's just the law of nature that some people should be placed above others. We should be sensible enough to manage that position well. A rich person can fall from grace to grass and the same applies for the poor. We should all never give up and continue to push forward. Determination is key" I nodded at his wise words and smiled at how intelligent he sounded.
Beauty and brains, I like.
"I talk too much right"he said while rubbing the back of his neck with his hand.
"I wouldn't call that talking too much. You were just sharing your opinion on what you think is right. There is nothing wrong with that. I totally support your view. We are all the same in respective of our background"I added and he hummed.
"You still haven't told me why you decided to take up a waitressing job"he said as we got to the entrance of the restaurant.
I gave a tight smile and walked inside.
"Welcome to familey restaurant. What table setting do you want?"the lady greeted with that known-too-well-fake-smile. "Hello, I would like a table for two by the window" I replied with a smile knowing how hard this job is.
"You are right on time. We have got just one more table left by the window. Follow me"she gestured with her hands and we followed closely.
The view was beautiful outside with the disco lights making it look so good.
Seb pulled out a chair for me before I could utter a word.
"Thank you" I said after settling down.
She handed us the menu and I scanned through it.
"I would like the fruit juice and the bolognese pasta" I said and handed her the menu with a smile:
She looked surprised but quickly covered it up. Probably wondering why I am so super nice to her.
"I know how hectic this job can be" I informed after Seb told her his order.
"Oh!"she exclaimed and giggled a bit.
"Now I understand"she mumbled and I smiled. "I will be back with your order in a few"she said with a real smile. So different from the fake ones she flashed us in the beginning.
She walked away and I turned to Seb.
"Would you have been like that to her if you didn't engage in this job?"Seb asked and I nodded.
"I wouldn't have thought of smiling that much at her. I don't insult them because I have that sense of humanity. Except bitchy ones who try to seduce or flirt at him"I smacked my mouth shut comprehending what I just said.
"Him?"I shrugged at his question and he raised an eyebrow.
"You have gotta spill who is 'him'. Is he dead?"I gasped and quickly wished that wouldn't happen to him anytime soon.
"Sorry, just a wild guess"
"HE is not dead! HE was my boyfriend back in high school" I replied and quickly got busy with the glass of water on the table. I groaned internally when I can see that familiar curiosity look in his eyes.
"How did you two get separated? You look like you still feel something for him. The light in your eyes when you explained who he is"I opened my mouth in shock because I didn't notice I was happy talking about him.
Stupid unwanted feelings! I blame it on my hormones.
Fuck weird me!!
"He was an important part of my life at that time. He moved so far away and we couldn't keep in touch with each other.
I don't know about the lightness of my eyes you saw"I cleared my throat and I saw an unfamiliar look flash in his eyes.
"Would you get back with him if you see him again?"he asked so lowly with this emotion I can't decipher.
I really wish the waitress would just interrupt us now.
"I am so sorry for coming back so late" I breathed a sigh of relief as I heard that voice.
She placed our order on the table and I beamed at her.
"I have to get use to this smile of yours" I chuckled and picked up my fork.
"Thanks"I added implying so many things.
I didn't know to reply to that question.
Would I fall all over again if I see him?
I know the answer to that question but I refuse to accept it.
Fuck me!
Fuck my feelings!
Most importantly, fuck HIM!!!mm

Press that little star

Getting to know him againWhere stories live. Discover now