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Diana POV.

"A job?" I ask with raised eyebrows,

"Yes, a job. A very good one. One that can help you get into any university you want."
He says with another grin.

"Any?" I ask getting more interested.

"Yes Miss. Bellerose, I've been told you are an amazing artist, you paint right?" He asks looking for something in his desk drawers.

"Yes, I do." I say admitting shyly.

I admit I love to paint, my um, father he use to paint a lot. It was his passion, and it later turned into mine.

"Well there are some very amazing schools, have you heard of, Yale University School of Arts?" He says smiling when he finds an envelope.

"Yes, that's my dream. Going there." I say with a smile.

"Right, well Miss. Bellerose. This job, will show your responsibility skills, honesty skills, respecting skills, and your creative skills" He says handing me the envelope.

"Miss. Bellerose, you have been chosen to participate in the California Mental Institution program." He says with a huge smile.

But mine automatically disappears.

"What?" Were the only words I managed to get out.
I get in my car and drive off to Ethan's house. Ethan has a lot of money, believe it or not. Ethan and I have been dating for three years, and not once have I been inside his house.

I know where he lives, and I know how the outside of his house looks like, but I've never seen the interior of it.

I hop off my car, and walk towards his doorstep. I knock, and in less than a second Ethan opens the door.

"Hey baby girl." He says holding my hand and leading me inside.

"So I ordered pizza, and Netflix is already on the TV. So you can just chose a movie, while I go take a quick shower."

I nod and he kisses me sweetly, and pulls back with a smile, as he runs upstairs.

It gives me a moment to tour myself around the house.

I look at one if shelf's, and see a baby picture of Ethan, with his older sister Cameron hugging at the beach. But an specific one caught my attention, behind all the photos there was one that was fallen, it was old and dusty.

I picked it up, the glass of the frame was broken, and it was covered with dust.

I wipe the dust off it, and rub it trying to get a clearer image of the picture.

In the picture there were two little boys, too young to tell who they were. They were toddlers in this picture. One wearing a red baby jumpsuit, and the other wearing a light blue jumpsuit with white strips.

{A/N} in this story let's just say Ethan is the one in red.

The one with the red jumpsuit was trying to get off a white crib, while the other one just stood there with a confused expression.

I giggled at the picture. Who were these two boys in the picture. Maybe it was a baby picture of Ethan with a cousin?

Why would they let this picture be mistreated? It's so cute.

Being a 100 percent sure Ethan is the one in red, I take out my phone, and take a picture of it. Wanting to tease Ethan with it later on.

"What are you doing?"
{A/N} so you guys kinda know where this is leading to ;) I hope you guys liked this chapter! ily guys stay awesome.❤✌

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