Chapter 11: Its You

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||Jacob P.O.V||

So me and Katie were going on a double date with Craig and Storm today. Its suppose to be at Friday's so we're on our way there now. I'm just waiting for her to come out her house. | got a text from her saying she was on her way out. When she finally came out she was wearing a pink and black striped lace tee w/ a heart on it, two button short-shorts,with black lace flats. I smiled as she got inside the car. "Hey babe."Katie said smiling and me then pecking me on the lips. I kissed her back then said "Hello beautiful."  I sped off to Friday's, I was ready to have a good time.

||Storm P.O.V||

I was already dress in my blue/black "come at my bro" tee,black skinny jeggings with my black converses. I put my hair in a messy ponytail as I heard the doorbell ring. I jogged down the steps and opened the front door. "Hey." Craig said smiling at me. I was still a little p*ssed off at him about what happened at the party. I just gave him a really sly hug , said 'bye' to my auntie and uncle then left out with him. I got in and we drove off to Friday's.

||Craig P.O.V||

When we finally got to Friday's, I opened the door on her side as she got out. "Thanks....."Storm said as she rolled her eyes some. I hope she isn't still mad at me about that whole Claire thing. I tried to shake off my thoughts to have a good time, eventually I did, but it stayed in my head a minute. " Hey man!"Jacob said to me. I smiled then said "Wassup Man?" I dapped him. The girls gave their hugs as we did to them then we all went inside to go eat.


When we were finally called to go to our table, I looked up and saw no other than Claire with the Friday's uniform top on with some black cheetah print pants and some red flats. "Oh look who it is."she said with a snare. "Look can we just get to our table please." Storm said rolling her eyes at Claire. Claire led us to our booth which was near a window, she sighed as she walked away to another table. "I can't believe she works here."Storm said looking at Jacob. "Ayee I didn't know." Jacob said puting his hands up in surrender. I laughed as she glared at him. I was about to say something then I got cut off by another waitress coming and asking for our drink orders. I asked for a pepsi, Jacob ordered a lemonade,Katie ordered some iced tea and Storm ordered some sprite. The waitress nodded then walked away. "I think Ray and Liyah are a bomb a** couple, don't y'all think?" Katie said. We all nodded or said "yeah". I guess he really likes her 'cause we haven't seen him in a minute. I'm happy for him though 'cause he's not really the couple type.  


About 10 to 15 minutes later, Claire came back with our drinks. "Y'all ready to order?"she said as she set our drinks on the table. "Not for you." Storm shot back with no hesitation. Claire just glared at her, they exchanged glances but then Katie cut in. "I'll take the bruschetta chicken pasta." Claire took out a notepad and scribbled it down. Then we all started ordering. I ordered the california club and Storm got the sizziling chicken & cheese.


||Storm P.O.V||

I was soo p*ssed. This b*tch as just making me mad but looking at me. I still couldn't believe she worked her but ayee h*es need a job. Even if its not on a pole or some guy's d*ck.  When we got our  food. I ate like a pig, I was hella hungry.


Once I finished, I burped but smiled and said 'exscuse me'. Everyone laughed then we started joking around and laughing. As we were about to leave, I saw Storm was leaving too. I tried to keep calm as I walked out with Katie while the guys payed for the food. "Byeeeeeee Stacey!" I heard a voice say. I already knew who it was so I whipped around and said "Don't talk to me you self-centered b*tch! Get the f*ck away from me like HONESTLY!" I could see the fear in Katie's eyes so I stopped while I was ahead. "Shes not worth it." Katie said as we kept walking. "I know shes just soo....ugh." "I know.....I know...." Katie said as she wrapped one of her arms around me.


Did you like Their outfits?

Could you believe Claire was at Friday's &&' she works there!?

Poor Storm.

Katie is soo Comforting.

I know this chappie is short but I needed to get these two in urgently so I decided to double it up.

Next chapter will be hectic &&' Medium Long.



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