Sickies ੈ✩

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Daphnes POV

I groaned as I sit up from the bed, my head hurts even worse then it did yesterday.

Yesterday I woke up with a horrible cold, but I think it's turning into a bad flu. Sebastian had to keep Lucy away from me all day. Which was not fun for any of us.

She cried and screamed anytime she realized she wasn't going to get to be with her mommy. But thankfully right now she's asleep so I can take a nice shower and eat something to help

" head" I hear from across the bed. I look over to see Sebastian holding his head and stomach. Usually he deals well when he's sick so maybe it's something else

"Babe. I think we have a problem" he says again. I groan and flop back down on the bed. Both of us coughing our lungs out until we're able to talk.

"Lucy can't be near us, if she gets sick we're screwed. Remember the last time?" I said

Last time she was sick we literally thought she was on her deathbed, or at least she acted like it. It lasted a whole week, a long miserable week.

"I know, she's either going to have to stay away while in the house or stay at someone else's" he says looking at me. That's when it both hit us.

"Jordy's house." We said in unison before standing up.

"I'll call Felix" seby says

"Ok, ima shower and try to at least feel somewhat better." I said running into the bathroom

Thankfully Lucy usually sleeps for another hour or two. If they can take care of her for us for the week maybe they can come help get her dressed and pack.

After a few minutes Sebastian walks in and sets his phone on the counter

"Felix is on the way" is all he says before he hops in the shower with me.

Lucy's POV

I felt my body being softly shaken, my eyes slowly fluttered and I felt as if I sleep harder then I have ever sleep before.

For a second I was confused, I rubbed my eyes again before I realized it was in fact uncle Felix standing in front of me

"Hey sweetheart, how are you feeling?" He asked

"I is ok, where mama and dada?" I asked sitting up on my knees. He only picks me up and sits down in the rocking chair with me in his lap.

"Well honey that's the thing, mama and dada are very very sick. They don't want you go to get sick so your going to get to stay with us for a few days ok?" He said

"But I don't wanna leave mama and dada!" I felt tears stinging my eyes. He only wraps his arms around me as I lean my head in to cry into his shoulder

"It's ok little one, I know it'll be hard but it's better then you getting sick ok?" He says. I lift my head from his neck and slowly nod

"But mama and dada ok?"

"Yes honey, they're ok. I promise." He said as he lifted me onto the ground and let me clean myself in the bathroom. Once I was done I asked him to help me into my outfit.

"Now let's pack what you need for at least 3-4 days ok? Mommy and daddy will keep us informed" uncle Felix said as he pulled out a bag for me to pack

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"Now let's pack what you need for at least 3-4 days ok? Mommy and daddy will keep us informed" uncle Felix said as he pulled out a bag for me to pack. I also got my diaper bag and my favorite backpack ready with all my little gear.

Uncle Felix already grabbed extra diapers and bottles to pack.

Once I was all packed I grabbed blue and held uncle Felix's hand as we walked to the front door. Before we reached I turned around to see mommy and daddy halfway down the stairs

"We love you babygirl" daddy says

"We will always be with you no matter what ok, this'll only be for a little bit so you're safe." Mommy says before coughing a little bit

"Mommy and daddy call me?" I asked

"Every day." Daddy says confidently

It hurt to leave, I know they're sick but I can handle it. But I also have to listen to them, they're here to make sure I'm safe and that's exactly what they're doing.

Tears fell from my eyes as uncle Felix pulled me out after saying a few things to mommy and daddy. I couldn't help but sob. Once uncle Felix packed the car with my stuff he lifted me into his arms and patted my back for a few minutes.

I felt myself relax a little so I let him put me into the car seat he most likely installed once he got here.

"It's going to be ok, Jordy is very excited to see you and auntie is making cookies to make you feel better ok?" He says before kissing my forehead and then hopping into the drivers side

This is going to be a long week.


"Aww it's ok sissy" Jordy says as he hugs me. I've been crying for an hour. We were playing in his playroom but I just can't help it. I miss them.

It's unfair, who cares if I get sick. I dont care. I wanna be with them.

"Honey, come here" auntie says before picking me up. She walks over and sits on the couch in Jordy's playroom. She helps me straddle her lap before wiping the tears from my face.

"I know this is hard, but they both got really sick and if you get it too it'll just be even worse. I promise you can call or text them. And if anything happens it's only a 20 minute drive." She says

I do feel better that I can call them and text them. If I couldn't I wouldn't know what I'd do with myself to be honest. I mean I love being here with them but I've never been separated from both of my caregivers

"I know auntie" I replied before laying my head on her shoulder

"I think it's nap time, why don't we both get warm bottles of milk hmm?" She says, our ears both perk up. A bottle sounds perfect right now.

Once they grab everything and take us back to Jordys room, Uncle Felix takes Jordy and feeds him a bottle on his bed while auntie feeds me one on a rocking chair.

"It's going to be ok sweet heart, i promise it'll be over before you know it and plus I'll take you and Jordy to do something fun tomorrow ok?" She smiles down at me

I smile and giggle around the nipple of the bottle as I play with her hair. She just giggle and fixes my hair that was falling on my face.


Auntie laid me in Jordy's bed along side of him.
We cuddled in close as they tucked us in. I felt myself relaxing in his arms but I still missed my mommy and daddy.

"Lulu, is gon be ok" Jordy says

"I know, I just sad" I replied. I've never been away from them

"I know, one time I had to stay away from mommy when she was sick and I was so sad. But she got better! And I got to see her again" he said again

"I know, I just have to be patient" I said feeling kind of older

After a few more minutes I finally felt myself fall

Hello loves, I'm sorry this has taken so long. It's been a hard week.

I hope you enjoy the story🩷🩷

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