Chapter 11: Meeting Mr. Mole

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Chapter 11: Meeting Mr. Mole

In the cold, dark hallway, Ms. Fieldmouse called, "Poppy, come here!"

Poppy obeyed and caught up to her. "What is it?"

"Really, Poppy? You and Thumbelina thought you could survive in that old shoe?" Ms. Fieldmouse lectured, out of Thumbelina's earshot, "I taught you better than that, young lady!" She shook her head as emphasis.

"We were desperate at the time and we didn't know winter was going to approach so soon!" Poppy told her through clenched teeth. She looked at her friend, who hadn't heard a word, was still preoccupied by the loss of her fairy prince.

The dark and gloomy hall was decorated with cobwebs that withstood the cold air around them. It was also followed by a hard stone pavement which the three walked on. Despite the gloomy atmosphere, the hall was also decorated with gold coins and jewels. The sign above the creaking doors that opened and shut, read "MOLE". Below it read: "WHAT'S MINED IS MINE". The sight of that door made Poppy's fur tingle.

Inside the house, it was red and filled with jewelry. The exit was shaped like a crown.

When the three ladies entered the house, the chubby mole spilled his hot tea on the floor. He wore yellow glasses, Elizabethan-like clothing, a large white ruff as a collar with matching opera gloves, red cape, and wore two rings on each hand. One on his pinky and the other on his index finger. He carried a gold staff with a light blue ball on top of it.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Mole," Ms. Fieldmouse greeted.

"Oh, yes." Mr. Mole sniffed as he held onto his glasses as if he were reading something, "Ms. Fieldmouse? Good afternoon. Lovely day."

"I want you to meet a new friend of mine, Thumbelina and her friend, Poppy." Right on cue, Thumbelina and Poppy approached the two. "They just came down from up there." Ms. Fieldmouse pointed up at the ceiling to get her point.

"'Up there?'" Mr. Mole repeated in confusion and put his finger on his chin. "Up there. Terrible place." He sniffed as he saw a basket full of goodies Thumbelina was carrying and smiled bashfully at her. "How do you do Miss Thumbelina? Pleased to meet your acquaintance." He offered his hand, in which she shook.

"How do you do, Mr. Mole?" she asked.

"And Poppy, long time, no see. I see you've made a new friend."

"Yes, Mr. Mole," Poppy said, as she shook his hand.

"Come in. Come in and don't touch anything. These are my things."

Ms. Fieldmouse pushed Thumbelina, ushering her to follow the mole. "We brought some corn cakes for you. Just you try one, Mr. Mole."

With that said, he hungrily picked up a corn cake from the basket and as he ate, crumbs fell to the floor. "Very nice. Well, tell us about up there. I went up there once. Nearly blinded me. Hurried as fast as I could back down where it's dark and decent." As he said this, he walked with his cane.

"Oh, uh, but...I love the light," Thumbelina said as she set down the basket of corn cakes and danced.

"Me, too," said Poppy as she did the same.

"I hate it," Mr. Mole retorted. "End of story."

"Story," Ms. Fieldmouse said as she sat on a red loveseat. "Thumbelina, tell Mr. Mole a story. A lovely, sad story." She leaned back as if lovestruck.

"Stand right there, where I can see you," Mr. Mole instructed Thumbelina.

"Okay." She stepped on an open red music box with gold lines and a gold key that was supposed to make a ballerina turn. She stood on top, where the ballerina was supposed to stand.

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