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Everyone looked at Olivia with wide eyes. For the last several months, Olivia had been so damn quiet. It was very unlike her to shut down and let her anxiety take over, so seeing her fire come back was great to witness.

"Olivia, you can go back to your desk," Cragen spoke, motioning to Amanda to take her partner from the room.

"No! I want to hear from these three and figure out why I'm the devil in their eyes," Olivia huffed, crossing her arms over her chest. The three attorneys didn't move, since they were still in shock. Olivia tapped her boot and waited, but they silently turned and walked from the office.

"What a bunch of cowards," Olivia huffed, turning back to her boss.

"Liv, do you need to go home and cool off?" Cragen asked. Olivia shook her head as she raked her fingers through her hair.

"No, sir. I'm going to work my shift."

Olivia left the office as Amanda turned to Cragen and gave him a nervous look.

"She's pretty wound up now... Should we be worried?" Amanda asked.

"Yeah, we probably should be. Just keep an eye on her, because she might snap today. Either she'll scream or cry, just depends on the day," Cragen sighed as he watched Olivia sit at her desk.


Trevor looked up from his desk when he heard someone knocking on his door. Standing in the open doorway was Rafael.

"Hey, Barba. Can I help you?" Trevor asked as he leaned back in his chair.

"Uh, I just got yelled at by Olivia."

"What?" Trevor asked, his eyes growing wide.

"I deserved it," Rafael admitted softly.

"Really? What did you do this time?" Trevor questioned. Rafael gave him a nervous look as he sank into a chair in front of the large wooden desk.

"Cabot, Novak, and I went to the precinct. We had planned a way to ruin Olivia's life by getting her charged with slapping me in the squadroom. It backfired and your... girlfriend? The title doesn't matter, but she did go off on all three of us," Rafael replied.

Trevor took several slow breaths as he tried to calm himself down. He hated his former friend for trying to ruin the life of the only woman he'd manage to actually love. Trevor was also angry at Olivia's 'friends' for attacking her.

"Do you want me to ask her to apologize? Because I will never do that. You deserve every insult or bad thing she said about you because you've been nothing but a giant asshole since I moved to town," Trevor huffed.

"I don't want her to apologize, and I'll have to figure out how to apologize to her... I just thought you'd want to know," Rafael replied.

Trevor shook his head as he rubbed his neck and frowned deeply. He didn't know why so many people were out to get Olivia. Why did so many people disapprove of the relationship he had with her?

"Rafael, if I ever catch wind of you hurting my girlfriend ever again, I will make your life a living hell. Olivia has gone through so much shit in her life that the last thing she needs is her co-worker being a dick. I'm trying to make her life better, while you are doing the complete opposite. Did you notice how skinny she got?"

Rafael nodded slowly as a frown darkened her face.

"Yeah... While we were making our plan, Alex was making fun of her. She said she gets to worrying and loses weight."

"Get out, and make sure those mean girl besties of yours don't go anywhere near Olivia. Okay?"

"I'll try my hardest, I promise," Rafael spoke, as he stood.


Olivia ignored texts from Trevor all day, but couldn't ignore him after work. 

"I heard you had an eventful day," Trevor smiled when Olivia reached the front steps of her building.

"Who did you hear that from?" Olivia asked.

"From the big baby himself," Trevor replied. Olivia blushed deeply as she grabbed his hand and forced him into the building. Once in the quiet of her apartment, Olivia turned to face her boyfriend and gave him a nervous look.

"Are you disappointed in me?"

"I could never be disappointed in you, Liv. You stuck up for yourself, and I'm proud of you for that," Trevor smiled softly, his hands moving to her waist and tugging her close.

"After losing my mom, losing you again made things so hard. I was so lonely, and I'm done being lonely. I want a family and I want that with you," Olivia whispered, as she worked herself onto her tiptoes. She pressed a firm kiss to Trevor's lips before stepping back slowly.

"In the near future, I'm going to marry you and have lots of adorable babies with you. Okay?" Trevor spoke. Olivia's face lit up as she nodded quickly.

"I love you so much, Trevor."

Trevor quickly boosted Olivia up as she let out a surprised gasp. Olivia wrapped her legs around Trevor's waist as they walked towards her bedroom, only to stop when a few light knocks sounded from her front door.

"Are you expecting anyone?" Trevor asked.

"No, but I'm assuming I know who it is... Get naked and I'll be in soon," Olivia smiled, before leaning close and kissing her boyfriend deeply.


Olivia opened her front door and was surprised to see Rafael standing there. She assumed it would be Casey and Alex to either apologize or bitch her out more.

"Rafael, what are you doing here?" Olivia asked.

"I know you might not accept it, but I wanted to come by and apologize to you. I have been less than kind to you lately, and I not only deserved the slap but also getting yelled at today."

"I can't believe you went from having a crush on me to wanting to end my career. That's a pretty big jump," Olivia replied.

"I know, and I honestly don't know how it happened. It did, and I'll be forever trying to make it up to you," Rafael breathed slowly.

"Thank you for the apology, but it is going to be a very long time before I can even think about being your friend. Please go, because I had a stressful day and want to relax with my boyfriend," Olivia spoke, before shutting the door in Rafael's face and locking it tight.

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