16. She's Gone

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Elijah's POV
I looked around but I couldn't find her. None of us could. Alice was gone. I looked everywhere. I called a friend and asked her to meet me at the bar beside Marcel's house. She agreed. Lexi and Katerina rode with me. Kol and Rebekah followed behind her.
Once at the bar, I easily spotted her. Beth Bennett. She's a powerful Bennett witch. I sat across from her.
"Hello, Beth."
"Elijah. You need a tracking spell? Do you have something that belongs to her?"
I handed her Alice's bracelet she had taken off before the fight. Beth took it and took out a map. She cut her hand on a knife and placed a drop of blood on the center of the map. She held the bracelet and began to chant. Within moments, the blood began to move. It stopped somewhere on the outskirts of Los Angeles. I looked on my phone for old warehouses or some old buildings near there. There was only one. An old abandoned house. I gathered the girls and Kol and we drove there. Not without thanking Beth, of course.

Alice's POV
I woke up in a darkened room. It smelled of moth balls. I groaned as I became overwhelmed with an headache. I touched my forehead. Blood. I moaned as I stood. There was someone in front of me. They came closer and more clearer. I gasped as I saw who it was. It was Stefan. I think. He wore a dangerous smile and looked... evil.
"Hello, Alice. I'm Silas. Stefan Salvatore's dopplegänger."

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