Making mountains out of Monomachia

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A/N: Thanks to Labrasov and I_Like_Fandoms for the reads and votes :)@Labrasov

Later that same evening, after it was dark, Percy stood up. "I better get some sleep, don't want to be tired for tomorrow, right?"
Tomorrow was Monomachia, meaning duel. Basically all the campers competed in duels, until only two were left. The winner was glorified and given a golden laurel crown. Rachel knew it was a requirement to compete, but as an oracle she was excluded in the requirements.
She sighed, standing up beside him, brushing sand off her jeans, "I s'pose. Doesn't mean I have to like it though." She said poking him in the side.
"Hey!" He laughed and cringed away.
Rachel smiled, "See you tomorrow, Ell Arms!" She teased.
Percy returned her smile and waved, before hurrying off up the hill to his cabin.
Once she was alone, Rachel stared at the lake a small while longer, reliving every moment with Percy.
"Rachel Elizabeth freaking Dare," an angry and stern voice hissed, "What the Hades did you use to blackmail Piper?"
Rachel jumped, and whirled around to find Annabeth, grey eyes flashing.
"I didn't blackmail her, I just asked her to help me. Is that sooo hard to believe?"
Annabeth shook her head, "Unbelievable! You're going to lie to me now?"
Rachel growled inwardly, "Why the Hades would I do that!?" It was more a demand than a question.
Annabeth glared back, "To steal my boyfriend! I was charmed into swearing on the river Styx to avoid Percy!"
Rachel turned around, "Not my problem," she snarled and marched away.
Rachel was shocked that Percy had dated that creature for so long, she was awful and power-hungry! Rachel sort of thought Annabeth was doomed to become a villain one day, she had the requirements.
At least tomorrow she wouldn't have to worry about Annabeth for a while, because the contest would force her to focus on winning the Monomachia!

Back in her cave, Rachel flopped down on the cot, and it swung to and fro so violently Rachel tumbled off. She hit the floor, bruising her knees and scraping her hands.
"Ow!" She bit back a whimper. If she wanted to go on a quest and fight monsters she'd have to be tough, unbeatable, invincible!

Rachel didn't want to be the weak, helpless, damsel in distress who slows Percy down. She wanted to be just as strong, and fight to the death if she had to! Okay maybe not that extreme, but still. She knew Percy had survived Tartarus, saved Olympus at least five times, and navigated through the labyrinth. Completing all those tasks wasn't something a weak willed person could do. Rachel knew she was stubborn and a force to be reckoned with, but she also had a temper. 

It was pretty vital that Rachel didn't lose her temper while on the quest, even if Percy mentioned Annabeth. Rachel needed to be on high alert, and keep her senses in check. The worst thing she felt she could do was cause something she might regret, and cause Percy to break up with her! Rachel had faced Kronos with Percy before, and beat him back with a hairbrush, so it wasn't like she was new to monsters. 

'If I make a fool of myself....'  Rachel never finished her thought as she drifted off into sleep.

Rachel stood on a tiny sliver of cliff, looking down onto a calm sea. Wind buffeted her hair, but it was warm. Down by the base the water lapped calmly at the rocks. The sky was blue, and not a cloud could be seen. It was gorgeous, until Rachel turned around. 

A gorgon sister, Stheno stood giving Rachel the death glare, her hand resting on her small knife. Her eyes flashed dangerously. And suddenly she drew the knife, lunging forward. Rachel's eyes widened and she leaned back, forgetting she was on a cliff. Stumbling, Rachel found herself on a piece that was barely wide enough for her two feet. Stheno advanced, the jagged edges of the knife gleaming wickedly. Rachel glanced behind her, and made a split second choice, jumping off the cliff, down towards the blue water below. 

With a smack she slammed into the water, panic confusing the directions. Under water, everything looked the same, a murky gray color with light shining and reflecting from all around. Rachel swam towards the light's strongest point, only to find a silver pocket watch gleaming as it fell through the water. Lungs burning with stale air, she swam what must have been up, as the watch fell the opposite way. As she came close to the surface, she could swear it was getting father and farther away from her grasping fingers.

Black spots dotted her vision, and Rachel closed her eyes in fear and desperation. Her hands slowly weakened, and she couldn't hold her breath any more, and sucked in a lungful of water. Suddenly, strong arms encircled her, and her vision became blurry and morphed into something else. She coughed, and water flew out, and gathered in the bottom of a... bubble? Sucking in air, Rachel whirled around, and there was Percy. His hair was floating around his head like a dirt crown, and he had a smile on his lips. 

Rachel smiled in relief, tears springing to her eyes. She kicked her legs toward Percy, and hugged him. He wrapped his arms around her, and floated them up to the surface. Popping Rachel's bubble, he kissed her forehead. 

"You're safe, you're safe." He murmured into her hair. 

Rachel hugged him tighter, burying her face in his chest, taking in the scent of newly fallen rain. 

"Percy," Stheno called down from the cliff. Percy looked up, to see the gorgon morphing into the petite blonde shape of Annabeth. 

Annabeth stabbed a finger at Rachel, "She made me swear on the River Styx to avoid you for at least a month, she blackmailed Piper into helping her!" 

Percy looked down at Rachel, and released her, forcing Rachel to start treading water. Percy frowned and melted into the water, forming a tidal wave. The wave smashed down on top of Rachel, forcing her below water. Repeatedly waves at least ten feet smashed down on her flailing form. Every wave brought her closer to the walls of the cliff, the cracks hissing as water poured out of them. Rachel braced for impact that never came. The water smoothed at an alarming speed, and Rachel was shocked to find Annabeth's still body floating right where Rachel would have smashed into the cliff. Her eyes were open, and started glazing over.

Rachel woke with a start, sitting up to the sound of clanging swords. That's right, Monomachia started early, at five! 

Rubbing her temples Rachel sighed. If that dream was a warning, it was a dam scary one! 

A short time later Rachel exited her dwelling, and gratefully breathed in the fresh summer air that always inhabited camp. Campers were set up by Charon in pairs to duel, based on age, parent, and weapon. She watched as medics took a pair of kids with arrows in their sides to the infirmary. 

Sucking in another breath, Rachel started off towards the sword section for late teens. Percy had been set up against Nico Di Angelo, and they were locked in a battle of silver and bronze. Percy ducked as Nico made a slash at his neck, and retaliated with a spinning kick, making Nico stumble. When she first met him, Rachel thought of Nico as a bad boy, but soon after labeled him more misunderstood than bad. 

Nico raised his right hand, as he was left handed, and began to claw at empty air. Rachel recognized he was going to summon a zombie, and wondered if it was against the rules to warn Percy? In real combat it was rare to be locked in a one on one, so an ally would warn him, right? 

"Percy, watch out!" Rachel called out.

Percy looked down at Nico's hand and moved lightning quick. Nico stared down to see his hand cut open, not too deep, but drawing blood. He grumbled something under his breath and marched away, nursing his hand. Percy grinned and returned Riptide to it's pen form. He glanced at Chiron to make sure the centaur wasn't watching, and came over to Rachel. 

"Thanks for that one." He smiled, and held out a hand. Rachel took it, and he shook it. "Pleased to do business with you." Rachel replied, breaking out in a grin. 

Chiron trotted over, and nodded at Rachel before turning to Percy. "Percy, your next opponent is Clarisse." 

Percy nodded and waved to Rachel, "See you around?" 

Rachel nodded and a warm fuzzy feeling took over her. Percy and her were a real thing, it hit her like a shock wave. She felt her cheeks warm and she ran off towards the strawberry fields, to hide like a child from everyone else. 

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