Chapter 072 Competition

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Seeing the quarrel getting more and more intense, Tianlang suddenly slapped the armrest of the armchair. His palm power was so strong that the room suddenly became quiet from a loud noise.

Tianlang roared: "Can your fight drive away the officers and soldiers down the mountain?"

He stood up. The absolute advantage brought by his height and weight made him feel full of oppression.

"It's not just the Fifth Master who has the idea, but you three hall masters have to come up with ideas too! Come to me individually before tomorrow morning. Everyone should think of a way to deal with the officers and soldiers. If you can't think of one, just roll down the mountain!"

Only in this way can we know which of the three hall masters colluded with the Fifth Master.

In fact, he already had a way to deal with the officers and soldiers in his mind. He originally wanted to take this opportunity to give the Fifth Master a chance to show his loyalty.

It seems that there is no need.

In order to prevent the cooperating hall master from suffering losses, the Fifth Master must meet with that hall master today and help that hall master think of a solution.

At that time, he would kill both the Fifth Master and the Hall Master, and then he would use his secret weapon to deal with the officers and soldiers.

Tian Lang made the final decision, and everyone left unhappily.

After the meeting, Wu Mu was worried about Ye Chuyan, and hurried back to his yard.

Halfway through, he was stopped by Shu Qi.

"Fifth Master, I heard that the Big Master let you go up the mountain because of your skills. How about we compete today?"

Shu Qi's words immediately aroused the interest of the surrounding mountain bandits.

"I refuse!"

Wu Mu was worried that Ye Chuyan would be harassed, so he had no intention of competing with him and was about to leave and bypassing him.

Shu Qi shouted: "Are you afraid of losing?"

The rule of Tian Lang Village is that as long as the other party agrees, you can find someone to compete with at will, and the loser must let the other party play with his woman for a few days.

The only woman of the Fifth Master is the one that the Big Master rewarded yesterday.

Seeing Wu Mu's dark complexion, Shu Qi deliberately smiled obscenely and said to the people watching the excitement: "Brothers, The Fifth Master is scared. What do you think we should do?"

The mountain bandits who were watching the excitement suddenly became excited.

"Fifth Master, give that woman to Shu Qi, and there is no need to compete."

"Fifth Master, let us see your skills."

"Fifth Master, compete with him!"

Shu Qi fanned the flames and said: "Brothers, if I win, I will give that woman to you after I'm done with her, how about it?"

As soon as these words came out, the pot exploded, and the blood of the mountain bandits boiled.

This also successfully angered Wu Mu.

He looked around and found that the eyes of these mountain bandits were shining, and they couldn't wait to see the two of them fighting each other now.

He clenched his back teeth and looked at Shu Qi coldly, as if he was looking at a dead person.

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