chapter 11

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After a few days travel y/n arrived at the hidden waterfall village and at the village entrance was a man with brown hair and black eyes. "Greetings you Must be the anbu that the hokage mentioned?" The man asked as y/n silently nodded as the man sighed. "Ok I'm the kage of this village my name is Shibuki, now come I'll introduce you to your team." Shibuki said as y/n nodded and followed behind him as they walked y/n exploded in a puff of smoke and his anbu gear was replaced by his normal Shinobi gear but he had a lower face mask that hid the distinct red  marks of the inuzuka clan on his face. " You change quickly that is good. Here is your taki headband." Shibuki said as he handed y/n a headband that had the symbol of waterfall engraved on it. Without saying anything y/n tied the headband to his arm as they both approached a training ground that had two teens and a adult stretching.

"This will be your temporary team. Your jonin is shibito your team mates are fuu, Gomi." Shibuki said as y/n nodded again and bowed to Shibuki before walking over to the jonin. "So you are our new teammate." Gomi scoffed as y/n took a precursory glance at him. Gomi didn't really stand out as he looked as average as a civilianand his chakra levels weren't very impressive so y/n nodded and looked at his other teammates fuu. She was y/n's height and head of line green hair that stopped at her shoulders and she wore a short sleeveless white midriff shirt with fishnet armour underneath, long white armlets, and fishnet shorts with a short white apron skirt over it. Fuu turned her head towards y/n and locked eyes with him, brown eyes meet orange as she raised a eyebrow. "Not very talkative are you but anyway I'm fuu nice to meet ya!" Fuu said happily as y/n nodded in respect and looked at the jonin. "Y/n reporting for training." Y/n said after using his chakra to alter his voice making it sound more coarse and gravely making everyone shiver. "Please don't talk unless you have to." Shibito said as y/n nodded and walked in-between fuu and Gomi. "Now then the game plan was going to be simple for today as we were just going to do sparring but I need to assess y/n so fuu, Gomi stand off to the side." The both of them nodded before walking over to the sidelines as y/n drew his wakizashi and took a stance as shibito relaxed slightly.

All was quiet in the training ground as y/n stared at shibito went Gomi shifted his weight he stepped on a branch and the crack echoed the ground and y/n took that a signal to start as he flicker infront of shibito who went wide eyes and y/n slashed his wakizashi across shibito's chest but instead of blood shibito exploded in water and reappeared at the the other end of the ground. "Fuck me." Shibito said as y/n put his hand in a half monkey seal and in his altered voice said. "Lightning style: lighting wolf." As a giant wolf made of lightning shot towards shibito who leaped to the side and threw some shrunkens at y/n who dropped to the ground in a effortlessly split and hurl three kunai as the shrunken passed over his head. Y/n spun his legs and vaulted up and made a half ram seal. "Fire style: fireball." Y/n breathed out a ball of fire that covered the whole training ground forcing shibito to flicker behind y/n and threw a punch at the back of his head only for y/n to explode in a poof of smoke leaving the jonin blinking in confusion before looking around.

At the joins feet the ground cracked as y/n shot from the ground and delivered a uppercut to the jonins chin making him fly back and roll head over ass near future and Gomi who were both sitting there with their jaws on the ground as y/n spun around and vaulted to his feet and raced nearly level with the ground as he slashed upwards with his wakizashi but shibito leaned back as the blade just barely knicked his chin drawing a thin drop of blood. Shibito did several leaps back to gain distance before going through a few hand seals. "Water style: Water dragon jitsu!" Shibito yelled as a water dragon formed from a nearby pond before it was launched towards y/n who sheathed his wakizashi and slammed his hands to the ground and the earth rose up in a dome right before the water dragon slammed into the earth making the dome explode.  "Oh shit!" Fuu shouted as she and Gomi thought their sensei killed their new teammate. "You did well y/n infact you are more then ready for the chunin exams hell I believe you could do the jonin exam." Shibito said as fuu and Gomi turned and looked at their sensei and if they weren't shocked before then they are now as y/n had got behind shibito and hold a kunai to shibito's throat.

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