❤️Well hello|Shoji

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Written on- 06/27/2024~06/28/2024|Number of words- 1473

Y/n takes a deep breath before walking past the school gates. She makes her way to the office, Opening the door, and walks up to the male behind the counter.

"Well hello sweetie, how can I help you?" The male asks.

"I need to speak to sensei- um... Nezu," Y/n says, and the male nods.

"What's your name sweetie?" He asks.

"Glitch," Y/n responds. The male gets up and walks to the door labeled principal. He knocks and opens it shortly after.

"Hello principal Nezu, there is a child out in the office asking to talk to you. She said her name was Glitch," The male says.

"Oh, splendid, please send her in," Nezu says. The male comes out and beckons Y/n over. Y/n walks over and into the room.

"Hello Y/n," Nezu says.

"Hello Sensei, I have these papers for you and a request," Y/n says.

"I'm listening," Nezu says taking the papers and looking at them.

"Since my tasks have been completed may I join UA?" Y/n asks.

"Of course! You are welcome here Y/n. Do you want to go by Y/n or Glitch?" Nezu aks.

"Glitch is preferred," Y/n says.

"Very well then, come with me, you will join 1A," Nezu says, and Y/n nods. The two walk down the hall and to 1A's door.

"Who will be my teacher?" Y/n asks.

"You'll see, wait here until I call for you," Neu says. Y/n nods and stands to the side letting Nezu walk into the room.

"Hello principal Nezu, what can I help you with?" Y/n hears an all too familiar voice say. She smiles and holds herself back from running in and hugging the male who spoke.

"I have a surprise for you, a new student will be joining you," Nezu says.

"What's their name?" Aizawa asks.

"Let me have them introduce themselves," Nezu says. Y/n takes that as her queue and walks into the classroom. Her eyes land on the teacher and she runs over hugging him. Aizawa's face goes from shock to a smile in the short span of five seconds.

"I missed you so much," Y/n says holding back tears.

"You and me both kid," Aizawa says as they pull away. Y/n turns to the class and smiles. 

"Hello, my name is Glitch, I will be joining you for the foreseeable future, I hope we can get along," Y/n says bowing with a smile.

"Welcome Glitch," Iida says with a smile.

"Okay, Glitch feel free to sit in that empty seat, I will start the lesson now," Aizawa says with a smile. Y/n nods, walks over to the seat, and sits down.


"Hey, is Glitch your real name?" Kamianri asks.

"No, I just prefer to go by that instead of my formal name," Y/n explains.

"Cool, so why do you go by glitch?" Sero asks.

"I can glitch away from someone. Kinda like teleporting but it looks like a character in a video game when they glitch and move to another spot. Think Venelope from Wreck-it Ralph," Y/n explains.

"That's a Disney movie right?" Jiro asks. Y/n nods and the group of teens all nod.

"Well, here we are, the dorms, welcome to UA Glitch," Iida says as he walks into the building.

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