Chapter 5

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A/N: I'm so so sorry this took so long! I've got AHOT6 oneshots on Archive of Our Own if you want to go check them out. My username is "Kiki_The_Marauder"

Chapter 5

Michael just listened to Gavin talk as they drove in to the heart of Austin. His accent was strong and Michael noticed his intrusive "r" and several other small details about his voice. He liked listening to the Brit talk. He was passionate about slow motion cinematography and cameras in general, having worked on some movies in the past.

"...and me and my best mate, Dan, we've got a YouTube channel and we just film random crap in slow motion and upload it. I edit everything and work the camera most of the time, and Dan's sort of the test dummy. We blew up some jars of paint once and a shard of glass went in to his finger and it bled a lot. Now he's got a giant blood stain on his lab coat now, but it's kinda hidden by all the paint spatters. Anyways, he's in the Royal Army and he got deployed about a month after and his finger was still hurting and it was all swollen and purple. Well, he got an X-Ray and and he still had the glass in his finger! He's also gotten really bad burns from a pot of boiling oil we were trying to make catch fire, and I've thrown a football, er, uh, soccer ball, anyways...I threw one full of water at his face and punched him in the stomach and he stuck his hands in mousetraps... it's all really top and looks amazing in slo motion, but he goes through a lot of crap for me. We used to joke that the Fates screwed up and we were supposed to be soulmates..." He chuckled nervously and rubbed the back of his neck. "The the Fates can't screw up of course and... here we are."

Michael just smiled and listened close to his babbling. They got in to the city and headed to one of the quieter streets. Michael had discovered his var not long after he moved here and he parked on the curb outside. The two men headed inside and sat up on the barstools. They started with a couple of beers and continued talking. Michael gave a brief description of his life, skipping right up to the end of High School because everything before that was kinda crap.

"I was taken on as an apprentice by an electrician and did that for a long ass time. My paycheck barely fed by video game addiction and I started making Rage Quit videos for the internet. Geoff discovered me after some of my stuff ended up on Reddit and offered me a job." He said. "I haven't done muh with my life, but I'm bot addicted to crack cocane. That's a bonus." He chuckled and took a swig of his beer. Gavin laughed and it made Michael smile. They spent the rest of the night drinking and telling stories and generally having a good time. They danced for a while, causing laughter and smiled and blushing. Michael found himself falling deeper and deeper, inching closer to the point of no return where he would fall head over heels in love with Gavin.

They decided to call it a night around 11:30 and Michael drove Gavin back home. They continued to talk as they headed up to the front door and stood of the porch for a moment.

"I had a really good time tonight, Micool." Gavin said with a small smile and Michael smiled back.

"Yeah, so did I." He hummed. "I'll see tomorrow?"

"Of course." Gavin nodded and looked at Michael with a shy smile. He leaned forward and kissed his cheek quickly before going inside. Michael smiled to himself, his cheeks burning red as he headed back to his car and drove himself home.

A/N: I'm sorry this chapter is so short and it's just not good but I'm trying hard to write more thank you!!!

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