2nd Season | Chapter 15: The Artifact -Spin for Me-

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—Aria Peaks, in the Discordant Fortress—

Banshee, after having spoken with Sergeant Octorchea and finally with the Leader of the Discord, was in his personal room. He had endured scolding from his Leader, who was clearly upset by the recent events that were reported to her by his right-hand man.

The Lieutenant was sitting on a metal gothic looking throne, surrounded by dark tones and light neon decorations that reflected the nature of the Discord. Her thoughts were serious and her expression grave. She knew that the situation was critical, the artists of the world she had previously attacked, the same ones who had successfully defended her musical city, were now in Symphony, interfering once again in her invasion of a world outside of her yours.

As she pondered, her fingers drummed rhythmically on the arm of her throne, a nervous tic she rarely displayed. Frustration and worry mixed in her mind. She knew that she had to make a quick and effective decision to counter the artists and ensure that the artifact, the "Sounding Sword", did not fall into her hands.

Banshee rose from her throne with renewed determination from her. She glanced at a nearby table where a holographic map of Symphony displayed the latest troop reports on him. With a wave of her hand, she zoomed in on the Skylands area of ​​the Composer Shrine. The artists were there, and that meant something important was at stake.

Banshee: I won't allow them to interfere anymore, we must stop them before they find the artifact -She muttered to herself-

With that resolution, Banshee left the room, preparing to gather some of his troops and prepare a defense and strengthen different strategic points in case his Sergeants' plan failed. She knew that time was of the essence and that she couldn't afford any more mistakes. The Vinyl City artists had to be stopped at all costs.

Banshee was in a large weapons room, supervising the preparation of some of the troops. These were equipped with different types of armor made of a better alloy than the aforementioned stone armor, and prosthetic weapons of a higher quality. Her eyes moved quickly, making sure everything was in order. As she did so, her mind reminded her of her new member, Kliff.

Kliff, coming from the same world as them, might have an idea of ​​how to deal with artists. She decided to call him, thinking his perspective could be helpful in this situation. Several minutes later, Kliff hurriedly arrived, bundled up to at least withstand the horrible cold of the Aria Peaks. He had heard the Lieutenant's call and knew that something important was happening for her to summon him.

Banshee: Kliff, I need your help -She said in an authoritative but calm tone-

Kliff: Lieutenant Banshee, I am at your service -I greet awkwardly- What has happened?

Banshee: Some artists from Vinyl City have arrived in Symphony and are interfering in our invasion, they have harmonized our troops near a Composer's Shrine

Kliff: Vinyl City artists? -He said with a frown- How did they manage to get here?

Banshee: It doesn't matter how they arrived -She said they are a mixture of frustration and seriousness- What matters is stopping them before they find the artifact that lies in that Sanctuary, I thought that, since you come from the same world as them, you might have some idea of how to deal with them

Kliff: If they are some of the NSR artists I know... I know some of their tactics and weaknesses -He said while reflecting- If I had a view of them, we can anticipate their movements, we could prepare an effective ambush

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