The Enchanted Tea

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Ambrosia was not happy, in fact she was downright fuming. Not only did her long-time crush took her confession with a grain of salt but he had the audacity to compare her with Rose Cinderella. How dare he? How dare he compare her with someone who wasn't born in the fairytale world. Someone who didn't practice all the customs and traditions for hours and hours until she became perfect at it. 

After her heated argument with Hawk, Ambrosia was not in the greatest mood. Especially not to play friends with Rose so when Astoria suggested the idea of going to the Fairy Tale Market she rolled her eyes and wished she would be cursed with some sort of illness so she wouldn't have to go but alas when is luck ever on her side.

Entering the Fairy Tale Market , Ambrosia was thankful when the team decided to split to check out the different booths. She and Adonis took off and started looking around the market was surrounded with different booths each selling some sort of magical items. Adonis had not wasted any time looking at his reflection in different sized mirrors. Ambrosia rolled her eyes at her brother's antics when a shrill voice broke her from her thoughts.

"Someone as pretty as you shouldn't be frowning" the voice called out. She turned her back to be met with an old lady grinning at her "Tell me dearie why is there a frown on such a pretty face" she inquired to Ambrosia "Oh its nothing. I... no its nothing" Ambrosia said offering her a polite smile "No there is something thats bothering you dear, why don't you tell me over a cup of tea" She said while leading Ambrosia to a purple and green booth. Handing her a cup of tea the old lady sat in front of Ambrosia waiting for her to speak.

"Its just that I love someone deeply and truly but he doesn't reciprocate my feelings" Ambrosia confessed while stirring the tea "Ah young love how i miss my youth. But dear how could he not like you you look so beautiful" the old lady asked her. "Theres this other girl" Ambrosia stated even though that sentence tasted bitter on her tongue. "Well im sure shes got nothing on you. But maybe i can help you with this predicament of yours" the old lady said which made Ambrosia's eyes spring up to her.

"How can you help me?" She asked "Well i make enchanted teas and i am sure i can concoct a wonderful tea that will make your prince fall deeply with the first thing he lays eyes on" "For the right price that is" the old lady. Without thinking Ambrosia said "Do it, Oh and make sure its apple flavoured please". While The old lady began making the enchanted tea Ambrosia's brain finally came to terms to what she agreed on; Was she really willing to do this? What if it doesn't work or worse what if Hawk sees Rose first and falls even more deeply in love with her? NO this won't happen. This will work. Ambrosia thought to herself as the old lady gave her the satchel of tea.

The orangish yellow sky was the first thing she noticed while she exited the booth. How long had she been gone?
Until Ambrosia saw a familiar face; her brother carrying 2 bags of different sized mirrors in his hands. Adonis finally noticed her "Where have you been? Don't tell me you went to get more of those enchanted lip sticks" He asked "I could say the same for you. You do know father is going to have a fit when he sees more mirrors you got for yourself" She countered.

Before they could continue bickering Joy's voice broke their fight "Hey Ambrosia and Adonis are you guys done with shopping?" "Astoria says we should head home before it gets dark" she said

"Coming" both of them called out

While Adonis started checking himself out in the mirror on the way. Ambrosia kept thinking to herself that this plan would work. That she will finally make Hawk SnowWhite hers.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12 ⏰

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