Chapter One

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"He never believed in magic until he looked into her eyes and found himself enthralled by their depth."

"This is absurd." Derek commented as he sank deeper into the couch escaping from ever so spontaneous and happening life around him that has started penetrated his brain causing him immense displeasure.

He held his head in his hand and inhaled sharply. Glitz, Glimmer, and Glamour has always been a part of his life he was evasive of, the life has been bequeathed to him by his father so does the legacy he will be the heir of soon.

Dean shook Derek by his shoulder that brought him out of the reverie. Derek looked up and found Dean looking at him with concern in his eyes.

"I already told the manager to keep it quiet about your presence here, tonight." Dean informed Derek and sat beside him.

"Well, I know your predilections to clubs are contrary to mine. But then you are Derek Christopher 'Heir to the kin and legacy.' I love to enjoy some perks being your best buddy."

Dean said while gazing at Derek, who had sourer face than that of lemon.
"Come again, why we are here at this odd hour, more precisely on a week day? Derek asked ignoring Dean's previous comment.

"Well. For one, to have some post college fun and for two, I just got out of this tyrant relationship. I need some solemn moment of peace from the havoc that I have been subjected to from past 3 weeks."

"You got to be kidding?" Derek turned to face Dean wholely, "Again? This is your..Wait lemma think..Third, yah! Third breakup in this month. What? Are you aiming for some kind of guinnees record?"

"That my friend is an insult that to coming from a guy who still has been drowning over his ex-girlfriend who supposedly has already acquired the title of being a world class bitch."

Derek narrowed his eyes at Dean with the gaze that could burn holes into his head. But charmingly he ignored his excruciating stare and continued,
"Are you going to spend the evening here, hiding in this room?

"I am not hiding."

"You know that sitting in the dark won't keep the light away. Some day you have to walk out of it."

"That day is not today."
Derek gulped down the drink he was holding and ponder over the line that Dean just had said. Dean was right hiding is not an option but then Derek know that day is not far when he have to live in a light more like a spotlight until than darkness seems to be the perfect hide out or maybe the haven for him.

"What is this by the way?" Dean asked eyeing the glass that Derek was holding with distaste.

"I don't know." Derek answered shrugging, "I ordered something non-alcoholic, and he bought me this. It's not bad either." He continued

"Coming for a guy whose father is an alcoholic." Dean's eyes widened upon registering the word he just had uttered or more like spill from his liquefied mouth pouring every thought out from it.

Derek flinched a bit as the words got to his ears, he was practically raised hearing this but even hearing it for like a umpteenth time he still doesn't get used to it, every time these words bring back those grim memories that has buried him in nothing but in abyss of obscurity.

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