Now Im Pacing Back And Forth....

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This moment in time.

At 3 pm.

And Taylor's not here. She said she'd be here! And now it's 3:01! I mean I know fashionably late, but one whole minute?? I do the only thing I could think of to pass time. Sing "Dear John". At 6 min 45 sec, it's the longest TS song ever.

"Long were the nights when my days once revolved around you..

Counting my footsteps and praying the floor won't fall through..... again

well my mother accused me of losing my mind but I swore I was fine

you paint me a blue sky and go back and turn it to rain...

well I lived in your chess game, but you changed the rules every day.." I stop getting the feeling I'm being watched.

"Nice singing." Taylor was behind me.

I blushed. "I guess..." Then I realized, Taylor was here! "Hey you're here!"

"Yeah, sorry I was late, I was just pacing around in my room like 'when is this freaking limo gonna get here'"

"Now I'm pacing back and forth..." I sang quietly.

"How do you know like, every song?"

"No idea. Now can we leave already?"

"Yeah. I met with Ms. Rachel before I came in here." Taylor said. I cheered a little and got off the beanbag chair I was sitting on.

"Do you want to listen to anything in the car? I've got like, every cd ever made." Taylor showed me all her CDs, and I immediately chose Beautiful Eyes. If you don't know, Beautiful Eyes is an EP in between Fearless and Taylor Swift. Its really rare and only sold at Walmart. (truth).

"Your beautiful eyes stare right into mine I I
Sometimes I think of you late at night don't know why I
I wanna be somewhere where you are I wanna be where...
You're here your eyes are looking into mine
So baby make me fly..
My heart has never felt this way before
I'm looking through you're I'm looking through your eyes I I..."
20 compliments and 13 songs later, we arrived at Taylor's house in LA. I smiled and jumped out of the car. We walked up the driveway together and opened the door.

Yes that's all you get! Sorry for all the song lyrics! At least I didn't put in the whole song like some books. Yes Beautiful Eyes is really a thing. Look up I Heart ? oh wait it's right there now you have to scroll all the way back to the first page!! Yeah that songs on Beautiful Eyes. Stay awesome! Adios!

Adopted By Taylor SwiftHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin