We're Through 12

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  • Dedicated to You <3

Guys, I've already written an epilouge for this story ;) I know where this story is heading (For once) Enjoy


Sam P.O.V

I watched them run and run and kick the ball.

"I could be a football player"I muttered, all you have to do is kick a ball and score. Big deal. Scoffing i slipped off my boots going through my bag for some trainers finally seeing my favourite pair, i smiled and dragged them out. Jogging to the field my jacket still on the bench and my top blowing away in the field

"Pass it" I shouted. They stopped and stared at me then burst out laughing.

"You can't play, your a girl"Mikey yelled. Did he just? Oh hell no.

"Excuse me"I cocked my head and put my hands on hip. "I'll be the judge of that. Pass. It" I said through gritted teeth, i heard my brother sigh and mutter something about never bringing me to practise again. They passed the ball to me and i successfully scored

"OH, suck on those lemons"I shouted, doing my victory dance. They all stared at me as i strutted back to my bech

"I knew i could be a football player"I muttered to myself as something rammed into me, sending me flying into the ground. A scream left my lips as i hit the ground, they fell on me.

"What the hell is wrong with yo-...."I cut myself off as i stared into those turquise and violet eyes. I was lost in his eyes. Gah that sounds so corny. I cringed as he broke eye contact.

"Sorry, i thought you were on the other team"He apoligized, i pushed him off me.

"Yeah because i walking off the pitch was really playing, god jay- ase"I corrected myself at the end, his face went blank

"Took you awhile"He muttered as i stood up, brushing myself off the dirt, i glanced quickly in the direction of my brother then to Fin, Both were glaring at eachother. I looked back at Jay.

"You didn't help did you"I nearly shouted, he put his hand on my arm sending tingles down it, i pulled back like he just slapped me

"I'm -"He started but i cut him off

"Save it"i muttered, walking to my bag. I slung it over my shoulder

"GET A RIDE HOME"I shouted to my brother and started to walk home. I sighed in frustration as i stopped at the park.

"Stupid feelings, stupid tingles. Stupid everything"I muttered angerly, walking around the park, my tiredness suddenly gone. Two little childern ran past me laughing.

"Don't give me your cooties"The little boy shouted, his red hair ruffled up. The little girl laughed as the sticks in her blonde hair fell out

"I don't have cooties, and i wouldn't kiss you. eww"She crinkled up her nose. I laughed slightly and watched the little boy nodding his head

"We will never kiss eachother, deal?"he asked, sticking out his muddy hand. The little girl nodded her head

"Deal"She shook his hand, without cringing at the dirt. she smiled evily at him

"TAG, your it"She laughed running off. It took him a moment before running after her. I sighed at them and leaned on the tree. I remember doing that. running around without a care.

Groaning, i slid down the tree and sat on the grass.

"Cooties"I scoffed to myself, leaning my head on my knees. What am i doing? i'm trying to know the guy after my boyfriend just broke up with me. I shivered in disgust.

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