Furry Au: Yearning

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Vincent stood in the middle of the bustling supermarket, the clatter of shopping carts and the conversations of other shoppers filling the air. He glanced down at the cutout carboard list in his hand, trying to focus on the task of buying groceries. However, it was difficult. But, why? His mind kept drifting back to that awkward conversation last week. He sighed deeply, rubbing the back of his nape, and pushed his cart toward the produce section.

As he selected some fresh fruits such as melons and strawberries—fruits he knew William liked—he couldn't help but replay their argument in his head. So far this week, he had tried to give William some space, hoping it would smooth things over. But the silence between them felt heavy and unbearable for him. He moved further down isles to the spice section, scanning the shelves for garlic and herbs (he planned to make William a fancy meal). He tried to calm himself down however his thoughts were a constant whirl of regret and yearning.


The owner of the name turned, surprised to see William standing there. His heart skipped a beat at that pretty face, but he quickly masked his emotions with a smile. ".. Hey Will," he began, shoving one of his hands in his pocket, digging his claws into his torso. "Nice seeing you here."

William flinched uncomfortably, glancing at the floor. "Yeah, just picking up a few things for dinner."

Vincent hesitated, then decided to take a chance. "Listen, William, about last week... "

William's shoulders tensed, but he didn't walk away. Instead, he looked up and met Vincent's icy blues. "Vincent, I don't want to talk about it. Not.. here."

Vincent switched his eyes to the shelf, awkwardly draping his gaze over the array of herbs. "Then okay.. but can we talk later? I.. dislike how things are between us right now." His voice was earnest, his lips pursed in a pleading frown.

William bit his bottom lip, rubbing his temple. "Fine. Come by my place tonight. We'll talk then.."

The wolf tried to hide the instant jovialness he felt, but the glint overtook his eyes, his flocculent tail uncontrollably wagging behind him. "Ah really?! Mm-" He paused to calm his tone, "Thank you, I'll see you tonight then."

With a curt nod, William turned and ankled away, leaving Vincent standing in the aisle; his heart pounding out of his chest with a mix of hope and anxiety. 

Vinliam Oneshots II ☾★☽Where stories live. Discover now