Thirty Three

52 4 2

2 months later

Hanjis POV

I sat on the bed as I stared at the pregnancy test...the first one came out positive and I was still waiting for the second one to come out either positive or negative to make sure I was actually pregnant.

Me and Levi have been doing it pretty often but not as much for it to be overwhelming...ash and the others were still captured and everyday my heart ached more as I was away from ash and knowing him and the others were still in danger...

Levi refused to leave my side for the first month and a half in case Erwin tried to come here...but I knew deep down he wanted to be out there looking for the others so I forced him to go look, he left a weapon for me every time he left in case I needed it...

I heard my alarm go off on my phone as I got up and walked into the bathroom and grabbed the pregnancy test seeing the results form, I frowned softly at the results

"Positive..." I said softly

It's not like I didn't want to have a child with Levi it's just...I didn't want it to be like this...forced...forced to produce an heir for a mafia.

I placed the tests in a box and sat the box on me and Levi's bed as walked into the living room as it was quiet once more, lacking the laughter of the kids...

I sat on the couch as I closed my eyes and ash's face appeared in my mind as his sweet laughs filled my head.

"I love you Mama!" He smiled with his toothy grin

Tears filled filled my eyes as I cried softly...I held my face in my hands as tears streamed down my face "oh please be ok ash...everyone please be ok..." I cried softly.

Levi's POV

I drove down the roads that Kenny sent me where eren and them could be held hostage...

I gripped the steering wheel, when I see that blonde haired son of a bitch I'll kill him this time...I'll make him feel every ounce of pain he deserves for making Hanji feel this way...and taking ash and my team...

I parked my car as I got out and began to walk around the area hopefully finding any information or finding where this bastard was hiding.

My gun was in my holster as my hands remained in my pockets as I walked down the streets and alleyways looking far nothing.

I sighed softly running my hand through my hair as I frowned, my final stop was a bar I haven't searched yet.

I walked into the bar and it was full of people and strippers, even lower gang members were there too...if I were to have any chance of finding Erwin or any his crooks, it would be here.

I sat at the bar and was greeted by the bartender.

"What can I get you?" He asked gruffly swinging a towel over his shoulder.

"Do you have tea?" I asked frowning.

The bartender stared at me for a second "what?"

I scowled "do you have tea" I repeated myself.

"Uhhhh yeah we do it's one really orders tea at a bar" the bartender rubs his neck.

I sigh "ok? Why should I care, if you have tea then I want a cup of black tea" I take a gold coin out and placed it on the counter.

The bartender's eyes widened softly "right away sir" he cleared his throat before walking away as I stared at the crowd.

Two men sat next to me as they ordered shots of whiskey, I didn't make eye contact with them but they talked pretty loudly.

"Man look at all these pretty women" one with black hair said blushing

The other with brown hair scoffed "we're not here to see the women, we're keeping an eye out remember"

The black haired man groans "right right..."

The brown haired one sighs "if Erwin catches us off duty he'll kill us"

My eyes widened softly at the name as I continued to listen to their conversations...they work for Erwin....perfect.

"Ryan who are we looking for again?" The black haired one asked.

"A man named kenny, he's got a cowboy hat on and brown slicked back time pay attention Tommy..." Ryan said hitting Tommy's head.

So they found out about Kenny hunting them...they must not know about me...

Hour later...

I spent the next hour at the bar listening on them and watching them, I then saw them get up to leave as I finished my tea and got up to leave as well...I kept my distance as I followed them.

As they continued to walk I got close enough where I grabbed both their shirts and pulled them into an alley.

"Hey what the!" They both said as I threw them to the ground with my strength.

Tommy looked up "w-who the hell are you!"

Ryan was quick as he went to reach for his gun and I shot his hand as he yelled in pain. I kicked his gun away and kicked him in the stomach as he yelled again.

"I'm not here for games..." I leaned down grabbing the man named Tommy's shirt. "Where is Erwin and where is his hideout..." I said coldly.

"I won't say anything" Tommy frowns.

I frown as I punched him in the face and grabbed his hand and held his finger "if you don't tell me I'll break your finger" I said emotionless.

Tommy glares at me "no!"


Tommy yelled in pain as I broke his finger and grabbed the next one "where is Erwin..." I said coldly

"I-I don't know!" Tommy yelled


Tommy cried in pain as another finger was broken. Ryan watched in horror as I broke two of his friends fingers.

"" I said angrily.

"H-he's in the old abandoned building off of Maria can't miss it...just please let me go!" He cried.

I sighed letting go as I stood up and I looked at the man Ryan "is that true?"

Ryan nods quickly "y-yes it is"

I turned away as I began to leave the alleyway, the two got up and scrambled away as I left.

I got to my car and called Kenny.

"What" Kenny said on the other side of the phone

"Meet me at the abandoned building off of Maria street...Erwin is there..." I said as I drove.

Kenny laughed "I knew you could find him, good job boy...I'll be there"

I hung up as I drove, I gripped the steering wheel as I drove...

Everyone...I'm coming.

A/N: I hope this is good, I have to think of a new ending because I don't remember the old one at all :/, but hope you enjoyed this update and I'll update again soon

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12 ⏰

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