Master of the Sea

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(Back in Ninjago City, at the Explorer's Club, Kalmaar blasts his way out of the building with the Storm Amulet in his hand.) 

Kai: Hey, Tentacles! (He blasts Kalmaar with fire and the others engage in the fight with Kalmaar. The amulet lands at Antonia's and Nelson's feet, when Wu hits Kalmaar in the back. Kalmaar then knocks Wu down.)

Cole: Master Wu! Ninja, go! (He attacks Kalmaar with Spinjitzu. While fighting, Kai is hit as well and blasted against a car.)

Ray: Kai! (He attacks Kalmaar, but is easily defeated and thrown at Kai.) Ouch. Oh man. I don't remember it hurting this much.

Kai: Ugh, me neither.

Kalmaar: (To Antonia) You! Girl! Bring me that amulet, now!

Kai: Don't---let him get it, kid! Run!

Izzy: Get out of here! We can't hold him off all day! 

(Antonia picks up the amulet and leaves with Nelson.)

Wu: Go, kids. Go!

Nelson: Who are those guys?

Antonia: Beats me! I ain't sticking around to find out!

(Kalmaar jumps on several vehicles to pursue them, including one with the driver listening to The Weekend Whip. Nelson and Antonia ride on a bridge but are quickly surrounded by Kalmaar and some Maaray Guards.)

Kalmaar: I believe you have something that belongs to me. Hand it over, or face the consequences.

Antonia: See? This is what you get for sticking your neck out. Now what are we supposed to do?

Nelson: (He looks at the side of the bridge.) Wall ride. Come on!

Antonia: I'm really regretting I taught you this stuff!

Nelson: Too late to worry about it now. (He and Antonia ride off the side of the bridge.)

Kalmaar: Stop them!

Nelson: Oh no! (They manage to cross a busy road and do tricks off of buildings to make it to a non-busy road safely.) Yeah! 

Kalmaar: (Growls.) I quite dislike that child. (He leaps onto a garbage truck.)

Garbage truck driver: What the? Aah! (Kalmaar flings him onto some trash bags in a pile and attempts to drive the truck, while swerving left and right.) 

Kalmaar: Well, you're a tricky beast, aren't you? (He manages to gain control of the truck.) There we go. (He honks the horn.) 

Nelson: You've got to be kidding me!

Antonia: This way! (They ride into an alley with Kalmaar in pursuit.) 

(Kai leaps onto Kalmaar's truck and kicks him out, but Kalmaar holds on with his tentacles.)

Kai: Remember me?

Kalmaar: Of course I remember you, I saw you just five minutes ago in the street! (He tries to push Kai out.) 

Kai: That was sarcasm, which I guess they don't have wherever you're from!

(Nelson and Antonia turn a corner, passing by a wall with Imaginary FugiDove, nicknamed Fugibuff, on it. A drawbridge opens, and while they are able jump across it make it safely, Kai and Kalmaar crash with the truck into the water.)

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