Chapter 21- Company In The Holding Room

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*Shailene's POV* 

It was dark.

 From the time that man grabbed my arm I knew it was not Kendall...I just knew he wouldn't do it in such a manner. I wonder what they did to him. I was not as scared as much as I should have been, because I had to focus my thought on planning an escape or something. 

Where was Kendall, who were they and what did they do to him? We had such a beautiful evening and I'm sure he had the nicest things planned and look at what happened. 

The blindfold was on while the two men dragged me up here, which was why I had no idea what outside of this room looked like. It took then minutes to get here from where I was taken. 

In fact, it was too overwhelming to think that anything had happened to Kendall. He had questioned the men, didn't he? Maybe they took him too.

 I wasn't put in the room, I was pushed into it. It was so cold. 

Before I could think to take the blindfold off, the door shut real hard and it was locked from the outside. When I did take it off though, I was amazed at the sight around me. 

The hardwood floor was polished and there was a bed a few metres away from me. It looked like a queen sized bed with a large wooden headboard that had flowery engravings. The curtains were really pretty, a golden colour with pleats and thick plaited strings decoring the base of them. 

There was the air conditioner, on the left of the bed, high up on the wall. That needed to come off asap because I was freezing. It was one of the prettiest rooms I had ever laid my eyes on, but this beauty wouldn't suffice my thirst or hunger. 

Man, they kidnapped me, they bed was probably soaked in chlorofoam, there was no way I was putting blanket that anywhere near my body. 

Who were they? What did they want from me? Certainly couldn't be money..I mean.. look at this? This is just a room, I wondered what the outside was like. This was three times the size of my living room, and I actually considered my house to be big. Look at that, oh how the thoughts have changed. 

My admiration stopped when I could hear voices outside, just barely, I heard them behind the door, a distance away. I couldn't make out what they were saying though, it sounded a bit muffled and confusing. I then turned and scoped the door a bit.

 It was really tall and it was wooden and varnished, as shiny as the hardwood floor.My mind was really blank at the moment because I couldn't think of anything in this temperature. There was a dressing table to the right of the room with a huge would think that was some princess movie setting I was in right now. 

 I strode across the room slowly, still looking around, noticing the faded blue walls and the ceiling's decor. There was even a new-looking ceiling fan.When I reached up to the dressing table, I took a peek at the mirror until I put myself entirely in front of it. 

I wasn't in such a mess, just my hair but that was something normal to look at anyways. 

There was no remote control for the air conditioning unit anywhere so I decided to try to reach the power button on the until itself. I was about to grab the chair from the dressing table in front of me, but then I realized that might not be the smartest thing to do. I pulled it out a bit with my feet, edging it with my flat black shoe. It screeched upon the shiny floor then I looked around for something to hold it with in case it was poisoned or my fingerprints might remain and they'll find me when I run away or something, but, there was nothing, no cloth or paper in sight. And, there was no way I was gonna touch that quilt on the bed. 

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