Chapter 96 - Asher

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                                                            * 9 years later - Asher and Jewel are 21.*

Okay. It's time. I took a deep breath as I light leaped to Jewel's door. I knocked, and she immediately answered.

"Hi, Asher!" Jewel said excitedly and I smiled.

"Hi, beautiful. Are you ready for our date tonight, babe?" I asked and Jewel blushed.


I took her hand and we light leaped to this beautiful, nature-filled area that I had found. Jewel gasped.

"It's... this is beautiful, Asher... you really know what I like." Jewel blushed and I smiled.

"As your boyfriend, that's my job!" I said and Jewel gave me a little kiss.

We set up our picnic blanket and got our snacks. We started talking, eating, and joking around. Before we knew it, it had already been 2 hours.

"Wow, the sunset is so pretty," Jewel said, staring at the sun.

"Not as pretty as you," I said as Jewel turned to me and kissed me on the lips. I gently held her shoulders and brought her closer as she blushed. We pulled away and smiled at each other.

"I love you, Asher," Jewel said.

"I love you too, Jewel," I said and we both watched the sunset together. A minute later, I knew it was time.

"Jewel?" I said, standing up. Jewel stood up with me.

"Yes, Asher?" she asked politely. 

"You are the most beautiful girl I have ever met in my life. But that isn't just what I love about you. You're so kind, lovable, caring, smart, and affectionate - every time I see you, you make my day. We've been best friends since we were kids, but now - I want to be more."

Jewel gasped as I bent down on one knee.

"Jewel, will you make me the happiest man in the world and marry me tonight?" I asked, bent down on one knee, staring at my beautiful girlfriend.

Jewel smiled and blushed. "YES!"

Hey guys! I hope you liked this chapter! The next few chapters will be the preparation of the wedding and the wedding itself. Then.. you know what time it is 😏

I hope you all liked this so far! Get ready for the next chapters because they are going to be great!

- KOTLC_MonBon_

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