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"Jungkook? Jungkook, wake up for a moment. You can't sleep in these clothes. Jungkook!" Taehyung was shaking the boy, who was soundly asleep on the couch, he let out a deep sigh as he understood how troublesome it was going to be to prepare Jungkook for sleep.

"Please wake up for five minutes, you can sleep as much as you want after that." Taehyung took off his jacket and placed it on the hanger, his apartment wasn't too big or too fancy. It was as simple as him and enough specious for a single person to live comfortably.

He poured a glass of water before he went to the sleeping boy again, after placing the glass on the table, Taehyung again tried to wake up the boy. He was thankful to god for finally waking Jungkook up at that time.

Jungkook was as clueless as ever, he slowly settled himself on the couch and looked around in confusion, wondering what this place was. Noticing the confusion, Taehyung gave him a quick explanation before he could start to panic.

"You're staying at my place tonight, remember?" Jungkook seemed to understand the situation a bit by then, but he was still clueless, the reason was hidden from Taehyung.

"Drink." Taehyung handed over the glass of water to Jungkook, who hesitated at first but soon accepted it. He silently watched him chugging down the water recklessly, as if he was thirsty forever.

"Slow down, water is not running away." Taehyung let out a chuckle when he noticed how Jungkook slowed down immediately, his eyes stealing glances over him as if he was asking whether he was doing it correctly that time. He really is like a bunny, Taehyung could see his long fluffy bunny ears resting down so obediently.

Once he was done drinking, Jungkook handed over the glass to Taehyung.

"I don't think any of my clothes will perfectly fit you. You can choose anything to wear, as long as you're comfortable." Taehyung informed, he was taking out the phone from his pocket to send Namjoon a message that they were safely at home. While he was busy typing, there was someone who was cooking stuff in his mind.

Taehyung had a soft smile on his face which was surely troubling Jungkook so much. His brain was itching to know who Taehyung was talking to, who made Taehyung smile like that. He wanted to know it so badly. Although he didn't have any right to know, he was still asking for an answer.

Jungkook stood up, his eyes were frowning, his face was heavy, eyes were leaking jealousy. He couldn't handle the overwhelming feelings, it was becoming too much for him. He couldn't understand any of it. Before he knew it, he was already hugging the man from behind. His action surely made Taehyung startled and shocked.

Jungkook locked his fingers, hiding his pouting face onto Taehyung's back, his heart was beating like crazy. Good for him, it wasn't only his heart which was acting strange but also Taehyung's. Although Taehyung was surprised for a moment, he was fast enough to collect himself together and voice out his confusion.

"Are you that sleepy, hm? Change your clothes first then you can sleep, alright?" Taehyung was hoping Jungkook would let him go after hearing him but instead the boy tightened his grasp around his waist. This was no good!

"Sunbae... I don't want Sunbae to like someone else... I'm not liking it.." Jungkook started to mumble under his breath, Taehyung hardly managed to hear him clearly. He could clearly see Jungkook was too drunk by then.

"You're drunk, let's talk about it tomorrow."

"No.. Sunbae... Sunbae, don't like her." Taehyung reached his hands to unwrap Jungkook's hands, as he was done he turned around to face the boy who was already sulking, too much to ignore. Taehyung couldn't understand if he should say this but still without thinking too much, he ended up saying.

"Are you in my university? Why are you calling me Sunbae, hm?" Jungkook bluntly stared at him for some moments, his eyes showing signs of anxiety. He wasn't worrying about getting caught. He was too drunk to think about such a thing.

"Because.. Sunbae is my favorite, my all time favorite... I also followed sunbae to sunbae's university..." Now Taehyung was super confused, what Jungkook was actually talking about? He couldn't understand at all.

"Follow me? Have we met before?"

"A lot. Sunbae can't remember me?" Jungkook pouted at the thought of not being recognized by his favorite person. But what could Taehyung do? He really couldn't remember Jungkook at all.

"I can't remember meeting you. Were you in my school?" When the question was asked, Jungkook slowly shook his head.

"In my town?" Again the boy shook his head, by then Taehyung was getting so puzzled. He could remember people easily, but with Jungkook, it was like a fresh memory, there was no archive.

"Then? How did you meet me, hm? Are you my little stalker?"

"Stalker...?" The pure confusion was very evident on Jungkook's face, he couldn't understand the meaning behind the word Taehyung delivered to him.

"Ugh, leave it. It's no use talking to a drunk boy. It's getting late, you should sleep." Taehyung paused on his track when Jungkook grabbed onto his shirt to stop him, when he looked into his eyes, it was a very wrong move.

"Can sunbae stop liking her?" Taehyung was taken aback by that question, drunk Jungkook is very dangerous. He becomes very bold and expressive when he's drunk. Which is not good for Taehyung, not at all.

"How do you know it's a girl?" Jungkook got puzzled by the question Taehyung threw at him. Just by having a glance over him, anyone could understand how confused he was.

"Aren't boys supposed to only like girls?" Jungkook asked out of pure curiosity and Taehyung could see it right through his face. He took a breath before he gave the boy an answer.

"There's no such thing like this. You can like whoever you want. As long as you like that person, as long as that person makes you feel comfortable. You're free to like anyone."

"Then..... Does that mean I can like sunbae?"

Wait what? What did just Jungkook say? Taehyung was dumbstruck, his brain literally bid him goodbye and flew away. There's no way Jungkook just told him this! Ain't no way! That's why Taehyung was saying that drunk Jungkook was so dangerous! He was saying anything without thinking.

Taehyung, on the other hand, couldn't say anything so recklessly since the boy was still drunk, he couldn't do any inappropriate action as well! He was just being tortured brutally.

"Can sunbae like me instead?"

Someone do Taehyung a favor and seal that mouth of Jungkook! He was no good for him, his words weren't no good for him! Taehyung's hand reached to ruffle his hair as he was taking sharp breaths. He took a step back, he didn't want to do something while the other boy was still drunk.

He was afraid of even doing something when he was fully conscious, his drunk state was out of the question. He took a deep breath and walked into the bedroom to take out some clothes for Jungkook to wear after he gave the boy a quick response.

"You're totally wasted. We will talk about it tomorrow, when you're absolutely not drunk."

Jungkook stood there silently, fidgeting, a pout capturing his face. He couldn't understand why Taehyung was avoiding him. Did that mean he said something wrong? He went overboard? He ended up saying something he shouldn't have said? It had to be that. Or else why would Taehyung ignore him like that?

Taehyung was going to hate him for sure. He shouldn't have said anything to begin with.

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