Interlude: Spells & Charms

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I sat atop a glacier, near to the town where the town-wide manhunt for my new prodige. I knew she had left the Nether as soon as my wards around the portal went off, but I let her leave. It was interesting to see how she acted without my influence.

I was happy to see by her note she intended on coming back, she just needed some her time.

I just can't study right now, if you're wondering where Cooper is; he's safe, just miniature.
Like you taught me when shrinking things. I'll probably be gone a few weeks, I need some me time. Sorry if me vanishing caused you to worry, heh you probably didn't.

Anyway, I managed to remove that tracking spell you placed on me. (Huzzah!) So you can't find me, I hope you understand.

Sincerely Silver Wilde

The note read.

It was true she had managed to remove the blaringly obvious lockdown charm I had placed on her, but not the ones I had done to make sure if she did leave; she would be safe.

I wasn't one to fool around.

She had a ward scrambler, pretty easy to cast, a master level tracking spell and a distress beacon; which would go off if she couldn't get out of trouble herself.

It went off for a minute or two earlier today, and I had just found out what set it off.

Brine Hunters.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2015 ⏰

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