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hyuna is a queen

extra long chapter...whew...

Updates will take longer because I'm working to update the 'guide to the underworld' so readers will have a better understanding of the terms and events occurring in further chapters. 

Don't forget to read the note and check out the inline comment at the end of the chapter to find out how to read the completed, unedited version of WUAD for free!


Demon prince Zylen was a heavy sleeper.

Last night, after wandering around this magnificent palace-like place, I'd finally found the room that Zylen's mother had referred to as 'my chambers.' At least I thought this was the room, I still couldn't tell. This place was too big and had wayyy too many rooms for me to be sure. Anyways, the minute I thought I'd found my chambers, I'd all but run to the bed and collapsed on it. Yeah, I'd been that exhausted.

And I'd had a good sleep. The kind where I dozed off the second I hit the bed and didn't wake up until the sun was up and shining. The kind that contained vivid dreams filled with certain purple-eyed demons. So it wasn't a surprise that when I woke, I had a sheen layer of sweat covering my body and some wetness damping my underwear. So yeah, I'd had a wonderful sleep. Until I tried to roll away from the sunlight and came face to face with demon boy.

Something like this usually would have me up and screaming, scrambling away and ultimately falling off the bed. Exactly like what had happened yesterday. But today, I hadn't reacted like my usual dramatic self at all. Sure, I'd been a little surprised. My eyes had widened and I'm positive I stopped breathing for a second. But I hadn't run or turned away from him. Instead, I'd stayed in the exact same position, observing and memorizing the contours of demon boy's mask-free face.

God, he was beautiful.

My heart hurt just looking at him. He couldn't be real, right? That thought had me almost poking him in the cheek before I'd decided against it. I shuffled closer, as quietly as I possibly could. He had the nicest shaped eyes with long, dark lashes - that I was very jealous of - to accentuate them. A well-defined nose. The nicest lips I'd ever seen on a man. And the clearest skin that glowed golden under the light. It was like he spent everyday bathing in milk and rose petals...I liked his hair too. Thick, dark, and all messy.

Watching him without a shirt on, I realized that he looked less buff than he appeared with his big jacket on. The blanket covered his lower half but his upper body was all mine to stare at and admire. I swallowed, feeling my fingertips tingling, wanting to touch him. I felt like I needed to touch him. To trace the hard ridges and muscles of his body. To grip his hair and pull him close. Maybe slightly touch my lips against his...? Oh, for the love of demons, why was I was sooo horny recently? I hoped this is what happened to all virgins once they got a taste of what they'd been missing out on because I couldn't be the only one feeling like this. Unable to process what I was feeling and why I was feeling it, I slid out of bed.

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