Chapter 44 - In your arms

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Narrator POV

The polar tang begins to enter the port of the Kid pirate island, and Eriss cannot contain herself even though she is still a considerable distance away, she prepares to use her powers to get to the island faster but is stopped by Law.

-What do you think you're going to do?!

-Use my powers to get there faster – she says with a guilty expression but with a childlike smile

-Stop being impatient

-It's a lost mission, forget it – says Killer shaking his head

She looks at them one last time and winks at them – see you on land! – and uses his powers to create a gelatinous surface that slides above the water thanks to his moonwalk to continue giving momentum. Being able to walk on water was something she had discovered in one of her training sessions with Law where she almost fell into the sea, and now she wanted to use every opportunity to show off. Her heart was racing and she couldn't contain her happiness at finally seeing Kid again, at giving himself into their arms, kissing him, and calming all that longing. She begins to see a bulky figure as she approaches, and increases the moonwalk thrusts to gain more speed.

Kid, as soon as he's notified that the submarine has been spotted, drops everything he was doing and heads towards the port. He tried to maintain his posture, but his quick pace and agitation betrayed how much he looked forward to being reunited with Eriss again. He could hear the laughter and whispers, and even thought about suppressing them, but with each step closer to the port he could see a figure sliding through the water. His heart beat faster, and a certain nervousness and excitement began to be felt.

-READDDDHEADDDD – she screams while jumping in the air, hoping not to make a mistake in landing

-PRINCESSSSS – trusting in luck, Kid uses his powers and pulls the metal pieces from Eriss, making her land perfectly in his arms

As soon as he grabs her by the waist, she wraps her arms around his neck and they stay like that for a few minutes. Feeling the heat of each other's bodies, letting that feeling of longing disappear, feeling each other and being sure that it was real and they were together again. Kid breaks the hug, puts her on the floor, and then pulls her into a passionate and fleeting kiss, he searches for her tongue impatiently. Her hands slide down Eriss's back, feeling her curves and ass, while her hands run over that defined and voluminous torso that she would never tire of appreciating.

-You don't know how much you I missed you Eriss

-I was missing you too Eutass

He grabs her thighs and she jumps into his lap, and they continue involved in passionate, passionate kisses.

-I did it, we have one of the road poneglyphs in our hands - she whispers in his ear

-I knew you could do it Tigress

-Will I be rewarded? – she asks with a depraved look

-You know that yes, I'm desperate to quench this thirst for lust!

In less than a minute, Kid's crew ignores that moment, already more than accustomed to these intense displays of love. Unlike the members of the heart pirate crew who looked at that scene in disbelief and without knowing how to react. Especially Penguin, Sachi and Ikkaku, knowing that their captain would never show that level of affection in public, even if he had stayed with Eriss.

Polar Tang finally arrives at port. Law rolls his eyes when he sees that scene but is soon distracted by his crew coming to welcome him. Killer exits the submarine and separates Kid and Eriss, placing her belongings on the floor.

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