Once Upon a Time

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Once upon a time, in  the kingdom of Enchancia, lived a young girl named Sofia. The girl lead a simple life working in the Village shoe shop with her mother Miranda and her elder sister, Isabelle. One fateful day, the three were summoned by King Roland the Second, whom needed a new pair of royal slippers. It was a long trek from the village and as always, Isabelle, who loved her mother and sister dearly decided to carry Sofia on her back when she grew tired. Sofia was only 8 and could only walk so far. Isabelle was 18 years old and was able to carry her sister and keep her safe when needed. Finally they arrived at the castle, and Sofia was very excited to meet the king. Isabelle giggled at her younger sisters antics and held her hand as they walked through the castle halls. Isabelle and Sofia stood back as their mother fitted the king with his shoes. A prefect fit, and so were they. Roland and Miranda were soon married. And what looked like a story book ending was really a story book beginning.

Sofia was staring in awe out her window at the carriage waiting to bring them to the castle. Isabelle smiled softly at her sister as she packed the last of their belongings into their shared trunk. Sofia smiled clutching her handmade doll close.

"Sofia! Isabelle! Time to go, the coach is waiting, hurry up sweeties!" Miranda called to them. Isabelle smiled and yelled back down, "We're coming Mom!" 

Sofia grabbed a small drawing off the wall and stuck it to the small carrying trunk, "All ready."

Isabelle smiled and nodded leading her down to the carriage. They climbed in with their mother and smiled softly. Sofia sat between two guards and Isabelle sat next to their mother. The coach pulled away and Sofia's two friends ran after bidding Sofia a final goodbye. Isabelle smiled and waved at everyone they knew as they passed by. She ignored some of the glares from other girls her age as they rode past knowing they were jealous, they were rude most of the time to Sofia anyway, Isabelle thought that it was best for her sister like this. Now they could be together more and she could protect her sister more. 

The carriage ride was shorter than Isabelle expected and Sofia was calling out, "Look, there's the Castle! Isn't it beautiful Isabelle!"

She smiled and laughed, "We've seen it Sofia." 

"I wonder how big our bedroom is gonna be!" Sofia giggled and held her mother and sisters hands.

"Oh Sofia, now that we're living at the castle, we'll each have our own bedrooms." Miranda explained. Sofia cheered and giggled wiggling excitedly as they came closer and closer to the castle. Trumpets sounded, people cheered and the coach pulled up to a staircase. They smiled back at the people. Miranda stepped out first and helped her daughters out. They stood side by side on a small pedestal. their old dresses they made that were worn down were suddenly transformed into beautiful gowns, Sofia's a beautiful lavender gown and Isabelle's a gorgeous royal blue gown with laced sleeves. The king and his children stood at the top of the steps of the castle. Four white doves then flew down carrying tiaras for Isabelle and Sofia. As soon as the girls were crowned the newest princesses the crowd erupted in cheers and applause. Isabelle smiled and blushed softly, she was slightly nervous about the whole thing, but was certain this would all work out in the end.

The three climbed up the steps and smiled softly. Isabelle curtsied at her new little siblings. Sofia did the same and giggled, "Oh Princess Amber i'm so excited to be your sister!"

Amber scoffed and smiled tightly. Isabelle stood off to the side watching them interact. James seemed to be the kinder of the two. Miranda handed them some hand sewn patches that had their family crest on it. Amber questioned it.

Miranda smiled softly, "I gave these to you because that's what this is all about. Learning to work together and be one big new family."

Isabelle smiled softly and nodded. The castle Steward called out to the crowd, "All Hail Queen Miranda, Princess Isabelle and Princess Sofia!"

A man with black and white hair wearing purple robe pointed a wand at the sky and shouted, "Grow heath flora!" All of the sudden it started raining.  Servants quickly put umbrellas over the royal families heads. 

The king sighed, "Cedric, I asked for flowers not showers." he smiled softly and shook his head, "That's our royal sorcerer, Cedric. He comes from a long line of royal sorcerers so we're stuck with him"

Isabelle smiled softly and waved at him blushing gently. The sorcerer smiled and waved his wand again, the rain stopped and flower petals came down. 

Then the royal family went into the castle. James followed right behind the king and queen asking lots of questions. Amber and Sofia walked side by side. Sofia asking lots of questions. Isabelle stopped and smiled softly as they brought in three new thrones for her, her mother, and Sofia. The royal sorcerer, messing with his wand and cleaning it, bumped into Princess Isabelle. She stumbled slightly her tiara falling over slightly. Cedric pointed his wand at a suit of armor by mistake and it disappeared entirely.

"You child! Watch where your dawdling!" he huffed at the young girl. Isabelle stood up straight and fixed her tiara.

"Im sorry sir. I was lost in thought for a moment. And if you don't mind me saying sir, the flower trick was beautiful." she spoke softly and shyly. 

He rolled his eyes, "If by beautiful you mean a complete waste of my talents than yes, thank you. I should be out slaying dragons, battling ogres!"

As he ranted on he kept making things disappear with his wand. All of the sudden he groaned and suddenly made himself disappear with a flash of light and puff of green smoke. 

Isabelle gasped and looked around. Suddenly there was a small tap on her shoulder. She turned to face a tall man with white hair and wrinkles on his forehead. 

"Hello your highness, I am Bailiwick, the castle steward, it's my responsibility to make sure everything in the castle is where it should be, when it should be. And you my dear should be in the banquet hall 30 seconds ago."

"Oh, my apologies sir."

The Eldest Princess & The Sorcerer (A Sofia The First FanFic with OC x Cedric)Where stories live. Discover now