Chapter 59

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When I got to the aquarium, I was surprised to see the paparazzi. They had left me alone since a week after the trial.

"Mikaela, what are you going to do with the money?"

"Mikaela, is it true you're pregnant with twins?"

"Mikaela, is it true that you blackmailed Trent for half of everything?"

"Is it true that your marriage was a sham and you've been taking advantage of Trent and the Ralston family?"

"Mikaela, what do you think of Trent's new girlfriend?"

I shoved my way inside and shook my head. "You've got to be kidding me," I sighed as I slumped against the door of my office.

"Rough morning?" I jumped as I saw Director Hildebrandt behind my desk.

My eyes narrowed. "What can I help you with, Director?"

"You know what you can help me with. Several million dollars will be hitting your account today, won't they?"

"Are you kidding me?" I demanded. "Do I need to call my attorney down here again? You've met Katrina. Do you really think she makes idle threats?" I snipped. "Get out of my office."

Director Hildbrandt narrowed his eyes. "Don't forget that you are my employee."

"Am I?" I demanded. "It's almost like I'm your hostage."

"Do you want to keep researching?"

I shook my head. "I will be back in fifteen minutes and you better be gone." I left my office and slammed the door. I called Katrina first and let her know what happened and she said she was on her way. Then I called my team over.

"Things may be changing." I started, unsure how to continue. "There are some things going on that you need to know about."

"Are you okay?" Rory asked.

"What's happened?" Jason asked.

"You look upset." Meri observed.

"Director Hildebrandt and I had a disagreement. A pretty large one." I started gathering my thoughts. "There is a good chance that after today one of us will no longer be working with this aquarium."

"WHAT?" everyone demanded.

"I'm getting to it," I insisted. "The aquarium has been running short on funds, and Director Hildebrandt tried to get me to force Trent to pay for it. I refused. That's why you haven't seen Trent here for quite a while. I told him not to come anywhere near here. I was trying to protect him."

"Why didn't you tell us?" Rory asked, looking like I'd kicked his favorite puppy again.

"I was trying to protect you too." I sighed as I ran a hand through my hair. "I don't think you not knowing is beneficial anymore."

"No wonder you've been so stressed." Jason nodded. "Hiding things isn't in your nature." he shrugged as everyone stared at him. "It's exhausting constantly lying to everyone. And here's Mikaela, who is one of the most honest people I've ever met, doing her best to keep everyone she knows safe. And if I know you at all, you shared none of the burden. Am I warm?" Jason asked, an eyebrow raised.

I shook my head. "No, you all are my responsibility. You are my team, I'm the lead. I have to take the responsibility. As you all know, I'm officially divorced from Trent, and in the settlement, some money is being transferred. To be completely honest, I don't want to touch it. It doesn't feel like it's mine. I haven't earned it. I don't want to use it. I'm not going to. The good director thinks that money should go to him, and that sure as hell isn't happening." I took a deep breath. "My attorney is on her way up here. I may be leaving the aquarium. I haven't decided yet. There are other places I can go and I might, I don't know right now. But you all deserve to be in the loop."

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