drew wifey cuz I'm in love ❤️❤️

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The hair sucks

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The hair sucks

I literally cannot come up with an excuse besides I suck at hair 😭

But yeh! I drew the sweet person I get to call my wife :D

If you can't tell, I'm clingy as hell and crave attention because I'm a whiny bitch

But apparently my wife likes me for it 💀

So, this is a thank you to my wife!

Thank you for saying yes when I asked you out, and dealing with my bullshit when my family wouldn't

I know I say I love you all the time, but it's true!

I've never felt so loved until I met you :)

(Hey that rhymed :O)

But yes, this was for her.

And if you haven't already, go follow her

Her acc is Barklikeyouwantitbbg!!

Follow her or else I will appear in your room and steal your toes 😈😈

Thank you!! ❤️❤️

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