Ninjago City vs. Ninja

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(In Ninjago City at the courtroom, the ninja, and a bunch of people there are awaiting the ninja's trial. The ninja are wearing black and white prison uniforms.)

Cole: Ugh. That was the fastest trial I ever saw in my life. How did they convict us so quickly?

Kai: I blame Dareth.

Dareth: Why me?

Kai: Because you're our lawyer, Dareth!

Dareth: I told you guys. I took three weeks of law classes. Three weeks! And it was mostly how to get out of traffic tickets.

Izzy: (On Amethyst's shoulder.) Uh, remind me again why didn't we hire a better lawyer?

Amethyst: He was the only one that wanted to help. All the other lawyers said they couldn't help us win the case.

Skylor: Maybe the judge will go easy on them.

Wu: He is nicknamed "Toughbutt".

Dareth: I don't think that's a nickname. I think that's his last name.

Kai: Nobody's last name is "Toughbutt".

Guard: All rise. The honorable judge William Horace Toughbutt presiding.

(Judge Toughbutt appears and sits down in his chair.)

Toughbutt: Please be seated. (He bangs his gavel and everybody in the courtroom sits down.)

Dareth: See, I told you.

Toughbutt: In all my years as a judge, I have never seen such a callous disregard for public safety as I have in this case. The ninja put the entire  at risk by freeing the convicted criminal Aspheera, and then helping to arm her with the very weapon she used to attack this city. Do you have anything to say in your defense before I pass judgement?

Dareth: (He stands up from his seat and walks up to Toughbutt.) Uh, well, I'm not sure I would put it exactly like that.

Toughbutt: How would you put it exactly?

Dareth: Okay, yeah, that's what happened. But what about all the times the ninja helped this city? Like when they fought Garmadon? Or Unagami? Or the Quiet One? (People start to murmur in agreement.) We have to take that into account too, don't we?

Toughbutt: I have. Which is the only reason I'm not sentencing them to life in prison. (The ninja, except Zane, sigh in relief.) Instead, I'm sentencing them to five years in Kryptarium Prison! (He bangs his gavel again.)

(The decision causes an uproar among the observers.)

Dareth: Wait, what? (The ninja, except Zane, gasp.)

Toughbutt: Order! Order in the court! (He bangs his gavel as the ninja are taken away.)

Nya: Jay. Jay!

Jay: Nya!

Dareth: (He chases after Toughbutt.) Your honor! Can't we work something out? Like community service! Or, or sweeping! Or some light trash pickup! (The door is slammed on him.)

(Later that night, at Kryptarium Prison, the ninja are taken to their cells. The inmates all talk at once and stare at the ninja.)

Kai: I can't believe it. After all we've done for Ninjago.

Jay: Oh this is bad! This is really bad! Do you know how many people in here probably hate us?

Inmate: All of us! (Him and the other inmates throw toilet paper rolls at the ninja.)

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