❄︎𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 11❄︎

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The Gateaway park is half an hour from our pack territory. A medium sized meadow with a lake nearby, a couple swings and a slide. A really cozy place to have a party actually.

Zephyr looks around in awe, probably mesmerized by all the lights and lanterns hanging from the tree branches, the loud music blaring in our ears, and the crowd

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Zephyr looks around in awe, probably mesmerized by all the lights and lanterns hanging from the tree branches, the loud music blaring in our ears, and the crowd.

"I've never been to a party like this." He admits, slightly bouncing on his toes, I chuckle at his adorable excitement.

"How come?" I ask, pulling out my hair from being trapped under my jacket.

"Well, I didn't have any friends except Ethan and Gabe, and we aren't really the popular types. No one ever invited us."

I feel his sadness but it doesn't last long as he eagerly walks over to the table with snacks and booze. He pours himself a cup and gulps it down in one chug.

"Woah, little one. Easy there." I pull the cup away from his hand and he burps, giggling afterwards.

"I like drinking. But never got a chance to get drunk. Maybe tonight will be it."

"Gotta keep an eye on his pretty ass tonight."

I agree with Brielle, but shake my head at Zephyr, who tries to sneak another cup only for me to grip his wrist and pull him away from the table.

"It's just starting. Don't get wasted right away." I compromise and he pouts, but nods anyway.

"Hey!" I look over to spot the others coming toward us, Estella hanging off of Cory's arm.

Surprisingly to even myself, it doesn't bother me. At all. I smile at them and wave.

"You made it!" Zephyr grins at his human friends and hugs them tightly. Then he turns to me. "I'll be hanging out with them." He informs.

I nod. "Don't let him get wasted." I warn the two, my gaze stern and they nod, a bit scared probably. Good. I'd skin them alive if something happens to my mate while they're with him.

I watch Zephyr running off with them and blend among the crowd, feeling a constricting pressure on my chest for some reason.

"He'll be fine. Don't worry too much." Cory nudges my arm with his and I snap at him, glowering silently.

"Admit it. You care about him." He chuckles.

"Shut up." I am about to smack his head but Estella steps in and glares at me.

"Geez. Cool down." I surrender, rolling my eyes while Cory looks proud, receiving a kiss on the head from his future Luna.

They actually look cute. Why didn't I notice it before?

"Because you were too blind in jealousy."

I grit but doesn't respond to her.

All of us get drinks and drown ourselves in the bliss of the party. More wolves and humans and other species join in, mingling and the music turns even louder. I lost sight of Zephyr a long ago, now I can't even smell his scent due to the massive sweaty crowd.

He's with his friends he'll be fine. I assure myself and let myself get dragged to the dance floor by Janice and Troy. We laugh and slowly start swaying our hips, throwing weird steps and just laughing our asses off at each other.

"Need to get more drinks!" Janice yells over the blaring music and I nod.

She goes to get the drinks and I bump my hips with Troy, laughing when he stumbles and falls in some witch's arms.

"Sorry." He apologizes as he gets floated up in the air by the angry witch and then he's plopped down on his butt, I burst in laughter.

He gets up, rubbing his ass and grumbling under his breath as he makes his way back to me.

"Bitchy." He hisses and I pat his head, teasing him further.

Janice returns with more drinks and we finish it in one go.

"I saw your mate!" She says loudly and my ears perk up at that. "Talking to that Kiara girl."

Brielle tenses and so do I.

"They looked pretty serious."

I guess he's finally breaking it off with her. Though I'm giddy at the thought, Brielle doesn't feel too composed.

I shrug her off and we continue to dance. Cory and Estella join in as well as we all jump around and do more silly steps untill suddenly a wave of panic settles over me. Brielle lets out a gurgle.

"What's wrong?" I ask her, feeling on edge and glancing around without any goal of searching for something.

"Something's wrong. Find Zephyr."

"Why? What happened?"

I feel another wave of panic and a mixture of hurt swooping inside my chest and I start looking for Zephyr without even knowing myself.

"Just find him! He's not okay! H-he's in pain!"

That puts me immediately on alert and I close my eyes, when I re-open them, they're bright yellow, with Brielle on front.

I cackle my neck and shoulders and focus my all senses on identifying Zephyr's scent. And I smell it. The faint scent of strawberries and baked goods suppressed among the others, I follow it, pushing away the others with much force. Some yell at me but I could care less.

"What's going on, Isa? Everything okay?"

I hear Cory asking through the mind-link. Everyone must have sensed Brielle's distress by now. As I've said before, wolves are connected a lot more than humans.

"Find Zephyr."

That's all I say and all of them start searching for him immediately.

As I rush to the end of the trail of his scent, no one's there. I groan in frustration. Brielle grows even more worried by the second and keeps growling lowly, which panics me further.

"Isa! Come to the woods! Hurry!"

Hearing Troy's panicked voice like that makes my blood run cold and I'm sprinting there in no time. That's when I smell it.

Zephyr's scent's stronger and a different scent is present as well as a strong wave of pheromones, and Brielle growls, my eyes brighter and glowing in the dark.

I spot the others gathering behind a huge willow tree and sprint over to them, hoping to find my mate probably drunk and causing a scene.

As I round the corner, I'm face to face with something I wasn't totally prepared for.

Cory and Troy holding a growling Kiara by the arms while Estella and Janice are trying to wake up my unconscious mate.

My heart drops in my stomach and Brielle whimpers, cooing and pushing forward, wanting to come out and aid to her mate.

I crash on my knees next to Zephyr and the girls step back, letting me lift him up into my arms so I'm cradling his upper body. He feels hot to my touch, too hot than a normal werewolf temperature and he's breathing's slower than normal.

Pushing his nose close to my scent gland, I hold him close, releasing my own pheromones—mate's pheromones are said to bring comfort and the feeling of safety.

As my arms hold around Zephyr protectively, I shoot my gaze up at the others, glowering and flashing my yellow eyes at the ones present there, low bubbling growls erupt deep within my chest as I sneer;

"What the fuck happened to my mate?"


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