chapter 21

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(sorry for the delay on chapters, i've been busy. but i'll try and put out as many chapters as i can before i have to take a short break again)

exactly 5 days had passed before negan came banging on the front gate to alexandria.

i stared out my window as i saw his men walking around and taking supplies from people.

carl had gotten up a little bit ago, he was mad that the men were taking our things. i can't blame him. i was pissed too,

i watched as rick walked around with negan shadowing behind him like a shinigami.

it looked as if rick was showing him around the place. negans mouth moved the whole time they walked around . rick was being quiet


"and what do you think happens next?" a man said,

carl continued to point a gun at the man's head. they'd been arguing about the medication. really about how much the man was taking.

"come on carl, put the gun down..this is only going to potentially make things worse.." i said walking through the frame of the door and stood on carls left side

"so we're just going to let them take all our things? what about the stuff you need for the sick and injured people? what about what they need to survive?" carl asked

"just stop before-" i was cut off by the door opening and heavy footsteps on the wooden floor.

"carl, carl, put it down." rick pleaded

"no. he's taking all our medicine. they said only half our stuff." carl replied angrily

"of course."

his voice sent shivers down my spine. i didn't turn my gaze towards him. i already knew who it was. my blood started to run cold and i froze in place.

one moment i was frozen. and the next my blood started to boil. i wanted to shoot him. kill him. but i don't think i could.

"oh-ho. really, kid?" negan asked carl

"and you should go. before one of us here mans up and kills you." carl replied

negan leaned back and little and lifted his eyebrows in an amused way

"well, pardon me, young man. excuse the shit out of my goddam french, but did you just threaten me? look, i get threatening davey over here, but i can't have it. not him, not me." negan started to say.

"carl. just put it down." rick said

"don't be rude, rick. we are having a conversation here." negan said

"now kid, where were we? oh yeah. your giant man sized balls. listen, i like you. so i don't want to go hard proving a point here. you don't want that. i said half your shit, and half is what i say it is." negan explained

"someone can't measure correctly." i said.

he's eyes shifted towards me. he had a look in his face, like he found what i said to be..funny..?

"maybe not, wasn't ever good at it. anyways, im serious. do you want me to prove how serious?-"

"don't you think you've done enough already,? being the bad guy and all. taking peoples things, killing them. do you even have a good reason to be the bad guy?" i asked

"let me tell you something here, y/n" negan said

"actually. don't call me that, don't say my name. i dont want to hear it come out of your mouth. not ever again. i hate you." i spoke without thinking about how i really felt.

it was all the anger that built for him throughout the passing days. everytime i looked at a photo with glenn in it i felt like putting my hand through glass or a wall.

i felt like burning things down and even raising my gun to negans head myself.

i hated him so much i wanted to watch as he died a slow and painful death,

or at least that's what i thought i wanted.

he gave me a look of surprise and hurt. how could he be so tough but yet be hurt by three words?

his gaze shifted down to the floor before clearing his throat and trying to hide the fact that my words cut him a little.


sorry for the short chapter, i've been busy as of late.

word count: 719

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