chapter 6

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             NIALL'S POV

 I ran to Rachel's room, when I walked in there she was laying lifeless on the bed. the only movement was the rise and fall of her chest as she breaths. I pulled up a chair and sat beside her and held her cold hand in mine. " Hey Ray,..... I um......I hope you can hear me.... um..... ok I will just say it to get it off my chest. Umm.... Ray ever since I bumped in to you at the airport I instantly fell in love with you. Just looking in to your beautiful Hazel eyes I just fell in love. Ray I love you and I always will even if you love another." Wow that was easier then I thought it would be, to bad she is asleep. I thought to myself. after just sitting there for a little while holding her hand. I saw her foot move well at least I thought I did. then her hand griped on to my hand a little tighter and that is when I knew she was starting to wake up. then I look at her eyes as they open up. " Hey Niall."

            RACHEL'S POV

   Everything was so dark. I couldn't see anything or anyone. I started to yell out peoples names but no one answered when I called. I then heard something off in the distance, so I started walking towards it. the voice I was hearing belonged to the one and only Niall Horan. "I love you and I always will even if you love another." he said. Was he talking to me? I wondered if he is he just said he loved me!!!!! OMFG HE JUST SAID HE LOVED ME!!!!!!!! I started to freak out inside my head. I have been dying to tell him that I love him.

I started to get a weird felling in my feet, I was starting to feel stuff again! I could feel the bed with my feet. then I could feel someone holding my hand. no doubt it was Niall so I gently squeezed his hand. by now I could feel my whole body and it hurt like a mother trucker. when I tried to open up my eyes it felt as if there was 1000 pounds of bricks on them, but eventually I got them open. "Hey Niall." I said in a raspy voice. he was looking at me as if he had just seen a ghost or something. " R-Rachel how do you f-feel?" he stuttered. awww how cute!! " I feel sore." I said  "oh." was all he said he was about to say something else but the doctor came in before he could. "Oh Rachel your awake, great, now the injuries you got where a broken arm, and a few broken ribs, and you should be better in a few months." he said, " oh ok thank you doctor." I said " Oh and you are free to leave when ever you feel like it." he said then left. 

After the doctor left Niall helped me walk to Lily's room to see her and the others. when we got to the room Lily was talking with Liam, Kiera was with Harry, Louis was talking to Maddy while she was glaring at Kiera for some reason, oh wait maddy loves Harry, and poor Louis loves Maddy how sad. anyway zany and Sydney weren't there. I walked up to Lily and said " Oh my gosh Lily are you ok? I am so sorry you got hurt!" " Oh I am fine I think you got the worst of the crash all I got was a broken leg, besides it wasn't your fault." she said and I gave her a big hug without hurting myself.

That evening we got discharged from the hospital and we went back to the hotel and watched a bunch of movies, and fell asleep.

--------------------------AFTER LILY AND RACHEL ARE HEALED-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


" Niall lets go to the beach." I said " sure lets go tell the others." Niall said happily. so we went and told the others to get ready for the beach. in the past month or so Sydney and Zayn have gotten together but they haven't told the public yet and Louis asked Madison out but she told him no because she loves Harry, but Harry asked Kiera to be his girlfriend last week and she said yes. and as for Lily and Liam they are still trying to figure that out, and Niall and I, well we haven't really talked about what he said in the hospital but he did bring me on little dates so I guess that counts.

Any who, we are currently on our way to the beach while listening to 'live while we're young' on the radio. when the song finished we were at the beach, so we grabbed our stuff and headed to the water. everyone was smart enough to put their swim suits on before they put the cloths on, so everyone was running to the water while changing at the same time and man was it ever funny. Lily almost fell trying to take off her short shorts!

Anyway Niall was taking off his shirt and I couldn't help but stair at him. wouldn't you? ï was snapped out of my thoughts when Niall said " Like what you see?" with a thick Irish accent that I love and a smirk on his face. I being the weird person I am blushed and looked at the sand in between my toes. want to play that game huh? well, I stripped off my cover up and short shorts in a slow manner trying to look sexy. I guess it worked because when I looked at Niall he had huge bug eyes and his mouth was hanging wide open. ha ha  I made him do that. " close your mouth or you will catch flies!" I said. now it was his turn to blush." I didn't know you had a belly button piercing, and a - and a t-tattoo?" he asked shocked," yeah not so innocent any more, am I?" I asked jokingly. " Hey do you want to see the tattoo better, I think you'll like it" I said, " um... sure?" he said. so I slid my bottoms a little bit down so he could see the tattoo better. He smirked at it and said '' nice" the tattoo says 'LUCK OFTHE IRISH' in three different four leaf clovers on my left hip. " I'll race ya to the water" I said to him, and he just laughed at me and said '' your on"  " ok on the count of three.......1.......2..3" I said and started running as fast as I could to the water.

I didn't beat him which sucked, but on the bright side I didn't go in the water I tricked him and stopped right at the edge as he just kept going. I tell you he was not pleased that I didn't go in, so he came and chased me in to the water. the water was freezing cold. about an hour has past and the girls and boys where all playing in the water, having water fights or playing with balls. Niall and I got into a major water fight, but in the end I won!! " hey lets take a walk, shall we?" Niall asked as he came up behind me " sure" I said. so I grabbed my towel and dried off a bit and started to walk with Niall down the beach.

we were just talking and looking for seashells when the sun started to set and Niall stopped, I turned to look at him to find him already looking at me. " I know we have only known each other for about 2 months but will you be my girlfriend?" Niall asked in one breath, I just stood there shocked as I looked into his eyes that where pleading and now turning into disappointment, that was when I was about to say something but he interrupted me and said, " it is ok I understand I am not-" I cut him off by smashing my lips on to his. at first he was shocked but then he just melted in to the kiss. in this kiss I felt like I was on top of the world, it was way better then I imagined it to be. Niall licked my bottom lip asking for an entrance and I allowed it. the kiss turned into a major make out session.

we broke apart, "yes Niall, I will be your girlfriend" I said, and with that we walked back down the beach.

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