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"I love you, yes I love you." Theo's this line was imprinted on my mind. I wasn't able to think anything else other than this. If he loves me then why can't he fight for our love?

I called Susan as my mind was full of uncertainties. I was in a need to clear them all.

"Hey, everything okay?" Susan peeped inside from outside my bedroom door. Agnès was out with Hans as it was weekend.

"Yeah, I think so!" I replied bleakly from my bed.

"What is it? Is it about Theo?" She nailed at the correct place. But how does she do that? How everytime she knows everything already?

"I know it's about him." She came to sit next to me when I didn't replied.

"We talked last night! I asked him his reason for breakup. I asked what did he get after doing all this."

"So what did he say then? What reason did he gave?" Susan took her sandals off and slipped under the blanket.

"He said he did all this for his dad. He said it would be better if we stay away from each other. Maintain distance between us. He says as we won't have any future, it would be best if I forget him. This would be good for both of us. He says, our relationship won't be accepted by his family and his dad would have to face some consequences. He says, it was his fault that he didn't stop himself or me, from coming this far together. And, for that he should be punished and not his dad. But he did said that he still loves me." I shook away the tears that skipped from my eyes.

"Punished? What? How can he say that?" She was now a bit hyper.

"I don't know. All I know is our relation is over. I can't ask him to stay with me knowing this would cost his dad and position. He is a well known politician apart from the mayor of Houston. He is right. What will people say and how'd Mr. Bentley feel when his own son will bring shame to him by running away just because he or his wife didn't approved of his relation. What was I even thinking? We both belong to different worlds. He belongs to this high class, rich and well known family, and just look at me. Who am I? Who am I, infront of him. I stand no where. I am a simple girl and an orphan now. His parents have right on him first. I will have to make myself understand this, accept this. It would be really very selfish on my part if I ask him to be with me, knowing the consequences." I sobbed and told her all about the last night conversation. She hugged me and wiped away my tears.

"See, I shouldn't be saying this but if he had wanted, he could have talked his parents into this. They are his parents and would have only wanted his happiness. They would have accepted it. There was no reason to reject you, once they'd have known you. And why would anyone else have objected or questioned if his parents would have agreed? Alice, I really think you should talk to him once more because I know he is going to regret about this decision later. He won't be able to afford such a loss."

"No, Susan. I don't want him to regret about anything. And if he does then I would pray, it doesn't get too late. I will have to let it go. I have lost myself. Now, I will have to make a new me. A version with no feelings at all because I would lock them all down. I will never let myself to get attach to anyone this close that when they leave, I get hurt. I will not let this happen again, ever. I will make myself so busy with study, work and me that I will have no time left for anything else, especially love and relationships."

"Why would you do that? It's not right, Allie."

"Yes, it is. It's so painful to say goodbye to someone, you don't want to let go. But more painful to ask them to stay, when you know they want to leave." I continued.

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