Chapter 34: Kidnapped

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The feeling of darkness is one that is familiar to me. Not darkness in the way that when you wake up in the middle of the night in your bedroom. I'm talking about forced darkness. I knew a blindfold was wrapped around my eyes so tightly I couldn't open them. I also knew I couldn't  move my arms or legs because they were tied so tightly to a chair. I couldn't break this chair, not like last time. This chair was metal and if I even attempted to break it, I would end up breaking something else other than the chair.

There was whimpering coming from someone beside me. I wasn't sure if I was supposed to feel comforted that I wasn't alone or more weary. Whoever was next to me could not seem to shut up and I couldn't hear myself think. If I was able to yell at her through the cloth in my mouth I would.

The whimpering stopped as we both heard the footsteps approaching us. There had to be more than one person, which wasn't good. Maybe if they were anything like the idiots I had to deal with last time it would make this easier, but I doubted it.

The footsteps paused right in front of me and the cloth keeping me quiet was suddenly removed from my mouth, but not the blindfold.


The moment my name was spoken I knew who it was immediately.

"Julian, seriously? Are we going for a round two, now?" I snap. "Let me go."

His laughter sent chills up my spine and not in the good way. I felt like there were snakes slithering up my back. "Now why would I do that? My friends and I went through all this trouble."

He wanted a reaction so I didn't say anything. I sat there in silence. Besides, Theo had to come for me.


"Teagan, you're a smart girl. I know as much because an FBI agent came to your house and recruited you. You have potential."

"What I have is a blond and a billionaire." I didn't want to satisfy him. He wants me to ask him how he knew this. Sure, I did want to know. But it's not like that was secret information. He could have casually asked my father and he would have confirmed it.

I hear Julian sigh. "You're not much fun. Where is the rude obnoxious Teagan we all know and love?"

"You tied her up and kidnapped her like a fucking psychopath." I snarl and I hear Julian clap his hands.

"There she is!" He says proudly. "Now. Like I was saying before, you're a smart girl. I need someone with your capabilities on my side."

"You're not seriously asking what I think you're asking," I say.

"Let me finish," Julian snaps. "If you forget Theo and your little blond friend, I can offer you all the money you could ever want. You can live off it for life. All you have to do is get Theo to sign over his father's other company to you somehow. But like I said, you're smart. You can figure it out. He's already in love with you."

I considered this. I mean I really considered this. "If I help you, will you let me go?" I ask.

Julian makes a pleased noise. "Yes, of course. How else will we get Theo over here?"

I only nod. "You said enough money to keep me sustained for the rest of my life?"

"Yes. That and more." He emphasizes.

"Alright. I'll do it." I say and Julian claps his hands once again. "How can I trust you, Teagan? That is my only concern. If I let you go, how do I know that you won't go running for the door?"

"You can trust me because from what I hear you have more guys on me than I have on you. Which means if I run for the door you will shoot me and that means no money for me and no Theo for me either." I say. "Also the fact I'm a teenager and you just offered me a shit ton of money."

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