💙I love you dear|Shoji

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Half Quirks/Half Quirkless like in 'Another Life' the Tokoyami one-shot. Cursing will be in this one... sorry not sorry. Bullying, harassment, suicidal thoughts and actions, and Homophobia will be mentioned in this one as well.

Written on- 08/12/2024~08/13/2024|Number of words- 3121

In a world where you are assigned a soulmate at the beginning of time, that will follow you throughout all your lives. The only problem? If one dies before they are found, a broken heart is formed. When this happens, there is a chance you no longer can feel love. The possibility although rare is still a scary thing for most people. How do you know when you find them? Your life ID appears on your wrist a little sting coming along with it.

Location- New York, USA

Soulmate's life status- Alive

Your life status- Alive

Soulmate status- Found

Life ID- 16578392

The alarm clock blared as the teenager slept in.

"Jett! Wake up! You're going to be late!" A masculine voice yells out. A thud is heard as the teenager falls out of his bed.

"Ow... I'm okay!" The teen yells out.

"Didn't ask, don't care!" The masculine Voice calls out again.

"Geez what a nice brother you are Arrow..." Jett yells out.

"Shut up and get ready!" Arrow says annoyed.

"I'm going!" Jett yells out.

The teen walks down the stairs and into a kitchen grabbing an apple and walking to the door.

"Bye," Jett says before opening the door and walking out. Not bothering to listen to his brother's comment.

"You'd think he'd be nicer... it's not my fault his soulmate died before he found them... Then again he can't feel love so..." Jett says to himself as he walked 

"Hey! Jett, wait up!" A feminine voice calls out. Jett turns and looks behind him.

"Oh god..." Jett says under his breath holding in his eyeroll.

"How are you doing?" A teen girl asks as she runs up to the boy.

"I'm good... how are you, Clair?" Jett asks.

"Ooh, I'm doing great! Want to go out sometime? Maybe for dinner?" Clair asks.

"I'm busy," Jett says.

"Oh, okay... what about next weekend?" She asks hopeful.

"Look, Clair, you are nice but... I'm not interested in going out with you... I'm sorry," Jett says.

"But why? I'm pretty and sweet and-" Clair goes to list but Jett cuts her off.

"You aren't my type," Jett says shrugging.

"Then what is your  type?" Clair asks. Jett sighs and looks at her.

"I'm not into girls..." Jett says simply.

"Oh..." Clair says and Jett nods.

"I'm sorry," Jett says.

"It's fine! You can't help your sexuality," She says smiling.

"Thanks for understanding Clair," Jett says and Clair nods.

"You're welcome," Clair says before walking away, texting on her phone. Jett gets to school and it seems like everyone is staring at him. Either in disgust or pity.

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