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Within the walls of the British Raj's provincial collector's office, a white Englishman assumes the role of historian, his tone scholarly yet captivating. 'Let's delve into the annals of history, shall we? Picture a time when Vyadhapura reigned supreme in Cambodia, the epicenter of an ancient dynasty. Now, here's where the plot thickens. Picture a Brahmin named Kaundinya swaggering into town, oozing charm like it's going out of style. He locks eyes with a local princess named Soma, and just like that, sparks fly. They tie the knot, and boom! A dynasty is born. But hold on to your hats, folks, because the story doesn't end there. Long before Kaundinya and Soma stole the spotlight, whispers circulated about Naga queens taking on human form, wielding powers that could rival the mightiest of serpents.'

'Why're you telling me this?' queries the collector, a hint of confusion lacing his words.

'At a recent gathering of European archaeologists, I met this really cool guy who's all about cracking the mysteries of Angkor Wat, that famous temple in Cambodia. And get this: he found a clue about this thing called the Naga Pasha mantra. Supposedly, it's the ticket to unlocking secret vaults in the Padmanabha Swamy temple. Plus, he dug up an old manuscript with the original version of the mantra and how to use it to open those vaults.'

'So you say that we can open the vault with the mantra, Lauren?' asks the collector.

'Maybe so... I've got the transcript, the mantra, the whole shebang. And guess what? I've even found the right person for the job,' Lauren reveals with a confident grin.

'Who is that person?' asks the collector.

'He's from this old-school Hindu priest lineage. And get this, he's not just steeped in English scholarship, but he's also a guru in all things religion, especially his own heritage. Trust me, with the right incentive, he'll be all in,' Lauren assures.

'Who is he?' asks the collector.

Pandit Gudakesha Subramanyan Iyangar, a Keralite hailing from South India, strides into the collector's cabin. Clad in a black, handwoven coat, topped with a crisp white turban, and sporting polished leather shoes, he exudes an air of traditional elegance. With a nod of respect, he extends his greetings to the collector.

'Meet Gudakesha Subramanyan Iyangar,' Lauren introduces, her tone brimming with confidence. 'He's our go-to guy when it comes to all things Naga Mantra. He's stepped up to lend a hand.'

'Ah, so you're the man,' the collector acknowledges, his tone shifting to one of curiosity. 'Tell me, Mr. Iyangar, do you reckon you've got what it takes to pull this off?'

'Yes, sir.' Says Subramanyan.

'How much do you expect from us?' asks the collector.

'Just 10,000 rupees,, sir.' Says Subramanyan.

Lauren and the collector exchange a knowing glance, sharing a smirk that speaks volumes. Rising from his seat, the collector strides over to Subramanyan, a gesture of camaraderie as he places a reassuring hand on his shoulder. 'Tomorrow night, head straight to the temple,' he instructs with a nod. 'I'll be there waiting for you.'

'With all due respect, it would be effective if it is morning, sir.' Subramanyam suggests keeping his head down seeing the ground.

'Right, Subramanyan, what we're about to uncover here is strictly confidential,' Lauren emphasizes, leaning in with a conspiratorial whisper. 'Oh, and by the way, we've got another ally joining us, someone who knows the temple like the back of his hand. We'll rendezvous with him under the cover of night at the temple itself.'

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13 ⏰

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