Ball Party

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Y/n's pov:

Right now, we were walkinh behind Noah in the hallways as he lead us to our room because he wanted to.

I could feel kakashi and aya seething in anger, their body itching to tackle noah down and beat hin till his death.

That lord is really getting on my nerves. I was walking down with neji, my hand still around his arm.

I looked out from the big glass windoes along the hallways. The sun shining through the windoes, casting a golden shadow.

"You look beautiful."

Neji whispered into my ear. I turned toward him, his already soft eyes, shinning with sun were like diamonds. And his long silky hairs were like golden threads.

I opened my mouth to reply him but we were interrupted by the damn lord again.

"Looks like you love each other a bit too much".

His voice cut me off as he tilted his had back enough to glance at us.

"Love is never too much. Don't you agree honey?" I asked neji instead.

I could feel the tension on the air. It was almost palpable. Neji smiled in return to my question. As he pulled me even closer to him.

Noah stopped. I looked so him with confused look. He turned toward us with a tight smile. Even a blind could tell it was fake.

He opened the door of a room and gestures us to enter.

"This will be your room during your stay" he said with a tight smile.

Neji and I entered the room. It was spacious enough. One big bed, coffee table, couches, a balcony and washroom. Quite good to be honest.

"Thank you for your generosity"

I said with a genuine smile. This room sure was to my liking. But then I regret it as soon as I saw his expressions.

He looked to much smug with a cocky smile.

"Its my honour, my lady~~" he said smuggly. I faceplmed mentally.

"Well then, I will give you time to rest and food will be delivered here. If you need anything, ask the butler or me directly." he said in a respectable manmer.

"We appreciate your efforts" neji said.

"Ohh and one more thing, tonight is a ball party and I would really like for you to join." he looked at me as he invited us for a ball.

His look was telling me things were not gonna be as simple as it sounds. But we had no choice but to accept.

"Oh we will surely come. Thanks for your invitation" as I accepted his invitation, I was getting a feeling this was not good from his expressions. He looked too pleased.

"well then I'll take my leave." he was almost chirping by this time.

I gave him a weird look as he exited our room. I looked at neji and he stared at me.

Then we both bursted into a fit of laughter as we dropped back to the bed.

"This little act of arrogant aristocrats isn't suiting me at all" I said in middle of my laughs.

Neither one of us know why we are laughing but we did anyways. The tension was too much before.

"He's certainly more wicked and dangerous then we expected." neji said, looking up at ceiling as we layed on bed with our legs hanging.

"Hm surely." I replied.

There was a moment of silence before we heard a rather Voilent knock on our door. I already guessed who it was after hearing the knock.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27 ⏰

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