27 | Leuvis

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"Not bad (Y/N)!" Sandy called out to me, as I was vigorously working my body off, progressing my aim with guns, at different angles, from falling to standing to shoot at a target, even learning how to kick up certain guns up from the ground and picking them up; and trying not to shoot my face off as I practiced.

"Did you find a gun you liked, (Y/N)?" Sonya asked me, as she arrived with Zack by her side, as I held two different lightweight guns in my hands, as I nodded at her as I observed them closely. Zack had taken the target that was still fresh from my recent shot, as he complimented me, Sandy chiming in and rubbing it in, as I blushed and only brushed it off as pure luck. Compliments always got me flustered, I guess I wasn't used to being the center of attention though I had been for a while now.

"So you guys knew how to kill the demons all along?" I asked, as I adjusted my clothing, which everyone graciously provided, even Gillian adding patches to a jacket she gifted from her collection. I wore black combat pants, or cargos, whatever people called them. I wore a white shirt, with the green jacket that was long sleeved, and slightly cropped that showed my stomach whenever I raised my arms. Gillian stated it was for fashion purposes, but I didn't see the functionality of it.

"Yeah, we do. But they don't know we know that. And they don't know we intend to kill them." Zack answered, as he put up new targets on the trees, internally praising their secretiveness, and how I outed myself to the worst demon in the group that I knew how to kill them all off.

"To them, we're just weaklings who only know how to run away. That's how we acted all this time. We kepta self-defence stance. All in order to gather information. And we slowly prepared in the background. In the process, we lost comrades too. Lucas's experience and our preparation. We lost our family and comrades, but we obtained and passed down everything. The culmination of that is this plan and mission. We know how strong the enemy is. But, we will be the victors. But we can't let our guard down. Especially against Grand Duke Leuvis." Sonya explained, and I shuddered visibly just by the sound of that demons name.

"Did Lucas tell you about his group?" Sonya asked, and I shook my head, confused about what she was talking about.

"Lucas and his former group, were able to stand up to them at first. Lucas's best friend, a leader type, gave instructions, allowing them to use the weapons efficiently and strategically to defend themselves and flee. They were able to survive this hunting ground without anyone getting killed." I had a feeling the leader of the group was the Skunk man, and I sulked as they didn't disclose his name, which I've been dying to know about ever since we met him. (Dying to know... ;)))

"It was an amazing group."

"They pulled off the impossible. But as soon as Leuvis zeroed in on them... he tormented and killed Lucas's friends one by one. Like taking candy from a baby. And then bragging about it to the parent." Sandy said, as if they were reciting the same story word by word, heard over and over, and passed on, they memorized everything Lucas told to them.

"It was to feed Lucas's and his best friend's hatred. To drive their malice. To corner them completely, all for the enjoyment of the hunt. His skills are exceptional. Plus, he's insane. And therefore unpredictable." What they said horrified me, and I knew that's what he had done to Theo and Monica, drove their anger, their hatred towards him, and he knew he had the upper hand in the end.


"Guys! We have food! Come and get it!" Gillian cried out to the village, handing out plates of stew and bread, which I tried to take normally, but I couldn't hold back, considering I had a big appetite. I also grabbed two more places, balancing one on my arm as I brought it over to Theo and Monica in an alleyway, as I noticed they weren't in line with everyone else.

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