four: "Keep trying."

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" I think I might throw up." She leaned against the metal cupboard, attempting to breathe in, without overwhelming her senses with the dreadful scent of death.

" Focus on your breathing." He suggested, fingers skimming through the freshly printed report, glasses sliding against his nose bridge, feet tapping to the serene background music.

" No. No, you - you don't get it. Mr. Styles, I -"

" Harry."

" What?"She frowned, too focused on her dire attempts to remain upright to try to analyze what he was attempting to say to her.

" If you're going to throw up on my shoes, then we should at least be on first name basis." How okay he was with everything that was happening was too much for her to handle through her nauseated state, as she squeezed her eyes shut, willing the ground to stop spinning. The scent of detergents, molded into the rotting smell that leaked through the fridge's chambers, nearly suffocating her lungs. There were traces of blood literally everywhere, although, the forensic pathologist had hid all organs away. It was all so incredibly overwhelming for her, and it didn't seem to faze him at all.

He had walked in, kissed the female doctor on the cheek, laughed with her about something that Aimee had no understanding of, before she excused herself, telling him that he needed to hurry because she didn't want anyone to walk in on him while he skimmed through the victim's belongings and the confidential report. He seemed perfectly accustomed to the horrific surroundings, while she struggled to remain on her feet, and aim while throwing up.

" I think I'm about to faint." She choked out.

" You're not going to - woah." Her feet gave out on her, and she almost collapsed onto the ground, if he hadn't put his arms beneath her own, lifting her weight effortlessly.

" Okay, maybe you are going to faint. Let me get you out of here." He dragged her almost uncooperative figure out of the morgue, sitting her down on the chairs outside. He bent down on his knees, pushing hair locks away from her face, and his fingers lingered on her skin for a bit too long without him really knowing why.

It was the most intimate he had allowed himself to become around anyone for a long, long, time, and he didn't know what it was about her. Perhaps her child-like innocence that leaned towards foolishness, or her eagerness and spontaneity. It could have been that she seemed so lively, and he just.... wasn't.

Her breathing slowed down remarkably, but her eyes remained closed. He knew she couldn't see the way he looked at her, and for that he was grateful. He pulled his hand away, clearing his throat and standing to his full height.

" I'll get the rest of my things, and we can go." He walked back into the morgue, resting his back against the door, his breathing suddenly erratic. He shook his head, running a hand through his hair, pulling slightly at the roots. His toothpick fell through his trembling lips, but he paid it no mind, as he collected the last of his belongings, typing the last number that the victim had called and texted. He put her phone back into the evidence bag, before taking off his medical gloves and walking out of the morgue. He knew that if he touched her, then he'd feel all of that again, so he walked right past her, forcing his eyes to look straight ahead.

" We can go now. I'll be in the car."

It was all so unfamiliar and unknown and uncontrollable and he didn't appreciate that.

He got into his car, searching for a toothpick to replace his last, but there weren't any left. He searched through the broken dashboard, until he found an old pack of cigarettes. He opened it, taking one, and putting it between his teeth. His head was roaming with too many thoughts, and he thought he had overcome this haphazard state of mind, but clearly she managed to deprive him of every last drop of containment.

The passenger door opened, and she came in. Silent as she closed the door, resting her head against the chair, eyes closed again. He was tempted to tell her to put on her seatbelt, wanting to have something to say, a reason to question her. He decided not to, starting the car and driving back to the journal. Normally, she would have fidgeted and moved until he told her not to, but she remained motionless, until he could no longer resist the urge to speak to her.

" Are you alright?" She sighed, nodding weakly, before opening her eyes, tilting her head to the side to find him already looking at her. It made her uncomfortable, intimidated but mostly assured. The smallest of all smiles formed onto her lips, as she put a hair lock behind her ear, reminded of the time that he so recklessly touched her hair.

" Didn't know you smoked."

" I don't." He fixated his eyes back on the road, clearing his throat in an attempt to steady his voice.

" You - but -"

" It isn't lit, is it?"

" No. I guess not." She frowned, looking down upon her hands that rested in her lap.

" You should learn to word your questions differently, Miss Montgomery. You didn't even ask me at all, you simply stated a fact; that you did not know I smoked, which is informative, but in no way interesting or useful. What you should have said is; why do you have an unlit cigarette in your mouth? Or, for proper preparation, you could have asked whether I smoked or not, but your statement didn't intrigue me to respond at all."

It was silent for a while, almost as if she was processing his every word, before acting upon it. Eventually, she re-situated herself  so that she was facing his side portfolio.

" Mr. Styles, why do you have an unlit cigarette in your mouth?"

" Because I don't smoke, so it's of no use to me lit." Her frown deepened at his completely reasonable yet useless response. A confident smirk took over his features, his phone started ringing in his pocket, just as she opened her mouth to question him further.

" Styles. Oh, if it isn't Mister Big Shot politician, Payne himself. Alright, alright, I'll save it for later. Aha. That I know, yes. Alright. Tonight? Now?" He skeptically eyed her - all curious green eyes, and pale pink lips - before he nodded to himself.

" Okay, I can do that. I might have some company though. Alright, Liam, see you then." After he put his phone away, he took a sudden left turn, without using the blinkers whatsoever. He could tell the question was on the tip of her tongue, but as per usual, she wasn't confident enough to speak it freely.

" Mind coming along to meet someone with me? It's Liam Payne, and a few of the most important individuals in the industry, who also happen to be friends of mine. Strictly for learning purposes of course. And if you're going to work on this case, or any other case really, you're going to have to know those people." Her confused frown finally reformed into a proud grin, as she nodded enthusiastically, settling back into her seat. He almost smiled, but he caught himself, biting down upon his cigarette.

" Mr. Styles?"

" Hmm."

" If you don't smoke, then why do you have an unlit cigarette in your mouth?"

" Since I don't smoke, therefore, I don't have a lighter, so I can't exactly have a lit cigarette in my mouth, or else, I wouldn't be a non-smoker." She threw her hands up in surrender, concentrated frown resurfacing between her eyebrows, and this time, he couldn't help but laugh weakly at her frustration.

" Keep trying, Miss Montgomery." He urged, and so she did.


a/n: I love writing this story and I love this harry and I hope you do too :)

why do you think he has that cigarette?

till next time, ily x

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