My Boys (Ronnie Radke)

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Tiffany's POV

"Charlie, come here." I said patting the bed. He barked and jumped on the bed. I started scratching his head and kissing him. "Mommy loves her Charlie more than she loves daddy." I said. Charlie licked my face. "Hey." Ronnie whined as he walked into the room with Starbucks. "Sorry but Charlie has stolen my heart." I said hugging Charlie. Charlie smiled his cute little smile. Ronnie took a picture of us. I looked on Instagram and he posted it saying my dog stole my wife how will I survive. I laughed and kissed Ronnie. Charlie nudged me and I kissed him. Ronnie handed me my coffee and muffin. He handed Charlie a doggy muffin he bought and we all ate breakfast together. I took a quick shower and threw on clothes. I took Charlie out back as Ronnie was getting ready. Charlie ran to the playset in our backyard. "Charlie, you miss your buddy." He barked. "Well come on." I said. I opened the driver side door and he hopped in the car. He sat in the passenger seat. I got in on the driver's side and started the car. I placed Ronnie's sunglasses on Charlie and he smiled. Ronnie came out and pouted. "Come on, Charlie. I let you have the front last time." He said. Charlie licked his face and climbed in the back. "Thanks buddy." He said scratching his head and taking his sunglasses back. We headed to Ron's house. I pulled up and saw my cute little Eli waiting in the window. "MOMMY!" He yelled running outside and into my arms. "Hi Eli. We missed you. Did you have fun with Uncle Ron and Aunty Haley?" I asked. "Ya, me and Aunty Haley did some drawing and Uncle Ron and I played with his Xbox." He said smiling. Ronnie opened up to his arms and Eli ran for his father. I smiled. I headed inside and found Haley picking up Eli's art supplies. "How was he?" I asked. "He was pretty calm for a seven year old boy." She said. I smiled. We looked out the window and saw Ron, Ronnie, Eli and Charlie having fun. Charlie was on top of Eli licking his face. Eli was giggling and smiling. "I can't wait till Elise comes home today. Remind to never let Dahvie and Jayy take her on tour again." She said. "I will don't worry. And you two got to fly out and see her. And it has only been three weeks. But I get how you feel. I hated when Ronnie and Eli left me for a month." I said. She smiled and hugged me. I saw a tour bus pull up in the driveway and we headed outside. "DADDY!" Elise yelled hugging him. Ron smiled and kissed her cheek. Elise hugged Eli and kissed his cheek. "I really missed you Eli." She said. "I missed you too, Elise." He said blushing. "We might be in-laws." I said. Haley laughed. "That would be nice." She said. I put Eli's stuff in the car and we left so Elise and her parents could have time together. We got home and Eli ran straight to his room to change into his swim trunks. I put his dirty clothes in the wash and let Charlie out back. Ronnie and Eli came down in their swim trunks. "Mommy, will you come swimming with us?" Eli asked. "Of course buddy." I said kissing his forehead. They headed outside while I changed. Once I changed and headed downstairs. Charlie was splashing around in the pool with the boys. I smiled and dove right in. I snuck up behind Eli and hugged him. He smiled and kissed my cheek. We swam around the pool for a couple hours and then played tag. Eli became tired so we headed inside. I gave him a bath while Ronnie took a shower. "Mommy want to see the picture I drew?" He asked. "Of course." I said while I put his Batman pjs on him courtesy of Andy. He went through his bag and found what he was looking for. He showed me a picture of me, him, Ronnie and Charlie sitting together at his last birthday party. "This is getting framed and hung in the living room." I said. He smiled. "You are an amazing artist." I said hugging him. "Thank you mommy." He said kissing my cheek. "Go sit with daddy while I go take a shower." I said. He nodded and ran to mine and Ronnie's room. I took a nice hot shower and changed into my ADTR shorts and one of Ronnie's tank tops. I walked out to find Eli's head on Ronnie's chest sleeping. Charlie curled up in Ronnie's other arm passed out and Ronnie fast asleep too. I giggled and brushed out my hair. I took a picture with my phone and posted it on Instagram saying my boys with a heart. I crawled in bed next to them. I kissed Eli's forehead and gave Ronnie a kiss. I soon fell asleep. I'm so lucky that I have Ronnie in my life and that we had Eli together.

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