Season 13 Episode 14: Good intentions Pt2

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By the time they had him secured they heard Dean and Castiel return.

"Robin" Dean called? "Sammy?"

"We're over here" Sam called to Dean. Robin hadn't noticed something sharp in Donatello's concoction had cut her face. Sam was helping to clean it and bandage it all up.

"Jesus what was that" Dean asked?

"I think that was the spell," Sam told him.

Robin shrugged.

"You're okay" Dean asked her?

She clicked her tongue, winked and gave him a thumbs up.

"He warded her in her closet" Sam explained. "Took away her voice. This was after he attacked me. I'm fine, thanks. Robin checked."

"I can't believe the Muppet professor got the jump on both of you" Dean replied.

Robin glared at him for a moment the turned her attention to Sam giving him a knowing look.

"Yeah uh, we should show you something" Sam scoffed.

They led Dean and Castiel down to the dungeon. They opened the door there, sat Donatello, detained and muttering to himself nonsensically.

"He attacked me. I didn't wanna hurt him, but he—he just kept on coming at me, and... biting." Sam explained. "So we had to lock him up in there. We were prepping the spell, and he just snapped."

"Yeah, I think it's all a set up" Dean nodded.

"Gog and Magog, they can't be part of the spell" Cas explained.

"Cause they don't have hearts" Dean added.

"Wait a second" Sam furrowed his brow. "Then why did he..."

Robin made a slashing motion across her neck.

"Exactly" Cas nodded to her. "Donatello wanted them to kill us. He wants us dead."

Dean looked at Donatello, "Donnie. What happened, man" he asked? "I thought we were friends."

"Friend? I see how your whore looks at me" he glared at Robin. She stepped closer.

Dean put his hand out to halt her. "How about we watch what we're callin each other here pal" he warned. "Alright?"

"At least she's honest about her distain for me" Donatello huffed." But you, I've seen how you...both of you, look at me. Covetous. Well, God didn't choose you for this part, Dean. He chose me."

"Donatello, whatever it is you're feeling" Sam tried to reason, "Whatever it is you're going through, you can fight this."

"I don't wanna fight it. I..." he stopped is lunacy for a moment and looked at Dean. "You're supposed to be dead."

"Sorry about that" Dean sneered.

"I'll make you wish you were" he sneered back. His eyes then landed on Robin, and he started speaking in demonic tongues.

Robin felt something bubbling up in her throat. Her legs became weak, and she collapsed on the floor before she spat out a mouthful of blood. Her vision was blurring and turning red as she felt more still coming from her eyes.

"Robin" Dean cried out getting down on his knees beside her.

"Donatello, stop" Sam pleaded. "Was it the tablet that—that did this to you or-?"

"It didn't do anything to me" Donatello cackled.

"Eden" Dean called out to the entity in utter desperation.

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