29. The Dream or The Nightmare

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It's been said that the radio waves that are supposed to spread to the world the moment Mix activates them are so high that they aren't supposed to be heard by a human ear, but zombies get impacted immediately

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It's been said that the radio waves that are supposed to spread to the world the moment Mix activates them are so high that they aren't supposed to be heard by a human ear, but zombies get impacted immediately. There are certain levels of zombie infection. Some people, who aren't zombies for that long, have a chance to recover. The rest... well, they have been dead for a while.

But when Mix finally gets to the middle of the clearing. When he is somehow lucky enough that no zombie comes too close to him anymore on his way there... or maybe it isn't luck, maybe it's his friends who have been by his side all this time, when they are fighting the zombies the strongest, in the bloodiest and most violent way they have ever done, just to give Mix the best chance to finally end it all. That's it... It's not the luck, it's his friends Mix should be thankful for, because for them now, he is finally here... the radio waves are activated, and he could swear that even though he shouldn't hear them, in some way, he does. He can't hear the sound of it or how loud it actually is, but the sensation is still there. It's like it's going right through his body over and over again. He doesn't know how long it is supposed to last. Seconds? Minutes? Hours? Or even days? He doesn't know. All he knows is that when he looks around, it's like a mayhem. Zombies tumbling to their knees. Falling all over each other. Holding their heads. Screaming. The zombies are screaming. Mix has never heard something like that. Something so awful, it feels like it's going to tear his eardrums apart.

He presses his palms to his ears, his eyes desperately searching for Earth. He is on the other side of the clearing. Down on his knees, but he doesn't look in so much pain as the other zombies are. The bite has barely started to affect his body. And Mix's chest feels heavy like he can't breathe properly, but at the same time, there's a relief that Earth isn't hurting that much. Everything will be fine. He knows that everything will be fine.

But suddenly, he can't hold it anymore. His knees are so weak. His eyes are closing, and he has no strength to keep them open. All the pain he felt before comes back like a tsunami, consuming him whole. He drops to his knees and down to his side, smiling at Earth on the other side of the clearing for the one last time before he closes his eyes and lets his body fall into a long deep sleep.


"Painting, hmm?" Mix shuffles down the stairs early in the morning and wraps his arms around Earth's shoulders from behind. A field of daffodils is smiling at him from the canvas in front of Earth.

"It's relaxing," Earth shrugs and places a soft kiss on the back of Mix's hand. "Good morning, baby."

"Morning, love. I can't believe you never told me that you like to paint... flowers. The softest soldiers out there, aren't you?"

"I like to paint nature in general. It's pretty. Just like you," Earth smirks and pulls Mix down on his lap, securing his arms around Mix's waist. "Hmm... I love it when you blush, it's adorable."

"Earth!" Mix whines, hiding his face in the crook of Earth's neck.

Earth chuckles softly and starts running his fingers through Mix's silky hair, "what are you doing up so soon, baby?"

"I can ask you the same," Mix giggles.

"Hmm, you can, but you know that I'm used to waking up early from the military."

"Hmm," Mix hums back in reply. "Let me guess, my soldier husband has already been on a ten-kilometre morning run, did a hundred push-ups, drunk a disgusting vegetable-protein shake and now is waiting for me so we can have proper breakfast.

"Yes, I did all of that, but I also..." Earth wraps his arms tighter around Mix and stands up, carrying Mix across the house to the kitchen where he hoists him at the kitchen counter, and points at the vase full of fresh flowers right next to Mix. "I might have stolen some flowers from our dear old neighbour Daisy."

"They are... so pretty!" Mix leans closer to them and inhales their scent. They smell like spring and fresh afternoon rain. He smiles and looks back at Earth, slapping him on his chest, "but why would you steal them from that old lady?!"

"Hey, hey!" Earth raises his hands in defence, grinning at Mix. "She has the entire garden full of flowers—a couple of them won't be missing. Besides, a couple of months ago she said that we are more than welcome to grab some flowers here and there if we like them, remember?"

"Yeah, but that was a couple of months ago. What if she has changed her mind since then?" Mix crosses his arms on his chest, staring right at Earth.

"Okay, okay, goody-two-shoes. The next time I see her, I'll ask her if I'm still allowed to take the flowers if I want to, will that make you happy?" Earth purrs and wraps his arms around Mix again, lips caressing Mix's cheek.

"Hmm... yeah... I think you should do that," Mix smiles and wraps his hands around Earth's neck, bringing him into a kiss. No one gives better kisses than Earth. Mix is pretty sure about that. His husband is the best thing that has ever happened to Mix and he will forever be grateful for that. Even though he hated him at first. Academic rivals. It's almost laughable now, but Mix couldn't have let Earth be the best student on the faculty. That has always been Mix's spot since his first year. And suddenly some Earth Pirapat who came out of fucking nowhere was trying to take his spot? Nah, that wasn't happening! And now, eight years later, and married for four, Mix is sure that he would let Earth have the spot of the best student of the faculty without any hesitation. Oh, how much love changes people, right?

When there's a sudden knock at the door, their kiss has to end, and after pecking Mix's lips one more time, Earth goes to open them.

Mix smiles, watching his husband opening the door, he keeps smiling until a zombie's teeth sink deep into Earth's neck. And then he hears it. Scream. It's his own scream.

Mix jerks up. His head is spinning, vision is blurry, and it's only when he hears Phuwin's voice calling for a doctor, that he realises that it was all a dream or maybe a nightmare.

Slowly, Mix's eyes are getting used to the light in the tent. It looks like they are in a tent—wide and long, with many other patients, like a makeshift military hospital.

"Mix. Finally! How are you feeling?" Phuwin's voice is coming as if from underwater. It feels like it's going to take a while for Mix to fully wake up.

"Mix, can you hear me?"

"Where..." Mix clears his throat, gosh his mouth is so dry. It hurts so much. "Where's Earth?"

Phuwin is silent. Lips pressed into a thin line. He is tapping his fingers on the side of Mix's bed, looking everywhere around Mix, but not at him.

"Phuwin..." Mix rasps out, trying to sit up. "Tell me... where is Earth?!"

"Oh, look at who finally woke up. Thank you for saving the world, khun Wongratch," an older doctor with salt and pepper hair and almost black eyes stops at Mix's bed, smiling down at him. "How are we feeling?"

"Shitty, but better than before," Mix replies. "Doctor, do you know where's—"

"He hasn't woken up yet, Mix," Phuwin finally says. "Earth hasn't woken up yet."

To be continued...

P.S. say bye bye to zombies 🤣 🧟‍♂️

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