Darkness Within

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(Inside the Crystal Temple, Coral wakes up to find herself hanging from Vengestone chains.)

Coral: What? (She struggles against the chains as Harumi and the other villains walk into the room.) 

Harumi: Enjoying the view?

Coral: Harumi, we really need to stop meeting like this. (She sees the Council of the Crystal King carrying the Golden Weapons.) Wait. The Weapons of Spinjitzu? How did you get those?! 

Harumi: Settle down, Coral. We have a long day ahead of us and we wouldn't want you wasting your strength. We got them from the Monastery. Where else? (She twirls the hanging Coral a little.) 

Coral: I asked "how" not "where"! Master Wu would never hand them over without a—

Harumi: A fight? (Coral stops speaking and struggling.) Oh yes. And what a fight it was. But in the end, your friends and family failed. They're gone now, like the other ninja.

Coral: No. You're bluffing!

Harumi: I don't bluff, Coral. I thought that you knew that about me. 

Coral: You're lying. You're lying!

Harumi: How does it feel, to have no one left? I know that feeling well. I went through the same thing after the Great Devourer took away everything I had in this world. After I lost my parents, I felt so alone. Now it's your turn to feel that grief. You can let it overwhelm and destroy you, or you can let it harden and strengthen you, as it did me.

Coral: You mean how you let it overwhelm you and turn you into the monster you are today?! You're the reason I'm alone. You're the one who did this! Which makes you no better than the Great Devourer. And when I get out of here, I'm going to attack you so hard you'll have no choice but to beg for mercy Harumi, I swear! (Her eyes turn purple and she shouts in a demonic voice.) I will make you beg!!

Harumi: Ooh, there's that darkness again. Just like Garmadon. Maybe you will turn out like me. 

Coral: (She takes several deep breaths to calm herself.) You're wrong. I am nothing like Garmadon. And I'm never gonna be you. 

Harumi: Mm, perhaps not. Perhaps I underestimated you. (She spins Coral around and walks away.) I have a ritual to prepare. It is time for the coming of the Crystal King.

(Unbeknownst to the villains, but known to Coral, her anger had caused one of the chain links tied around her to snap and break. Coral saw this and smirked slightly.) 

Coral: Hmm. 

(Meanwhile inside the collapsed tunnel, the ninja take refuge under the BRTM-12. Kai uses his fire powers for light.)

Jay: Zane, please tell me your communicator still works.

Zane: (His communicator sparks out.) Unfortunately, no.

Cole: Can this get any worse?

Kai: Oh, don't ask that question! Every time someone asks "Can this get worse?" It always gets worse! (A rat appears next to him.) Aah! Shoo! Shoo. Told you so!

Jay: I hate rats!

Zane: (He sees the rat escaping through a gap.) Rats are exceedingly clever animals with an impressive survival instinct.

Kai: Hey, thanks for the random rat facts.

Zane: That rat, for instance, seems to have found an opening between those rocks.

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